Page 42 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 42

Cover Story

             brainwashed middle class with private
             schools, the inestimable contribution
             of PSIR 2020 is that for the first time
             in the history of post-independence
             India,  it  has  highlighted  the  vital
             importance  of  private  K-12  schools
             towards  national  development.  Al-
             though it’s an open secret that the top
             leadership of the establishment — bu-
             reaucracy, diplomatic corps, defence
             services and captains of industry and
             business — is drawn from the middle
             class  overwhelmingly  educated  in
             English-medium private schools, it is
             politically incorrect to highlight this
             reality. In the lexicon of Bloomsbury
             Square (London)-inspired socialism
             embraced by the Congress party un-
             der the influence of Jawaharlal Ne-
             hru, independent India’s first prime   Budget private school classroom: marginally superior
             minister,  private  industry,  business
             and even more so education, became   high-powered  Kothari  Commission   dren’s  learning  outcomes  are  rock-
             — and to this day remains — synony-  having  strongly  recommended  way   bottom.
             mous with profiteering, exploitation,   back in 1967 that government expen-  For over 15 years, the A nnual Sta -
             elitism, snobbery and sundry deadly   diture (Centre plus states) on educa-  tus of Education Report (A SER) pub-
             sins.                            tion  should  urgently  be  raised  to  6   lished by the highly-respected Pratham
             T        HIS  PREJUDICE  AGAINST   been attained for the past seven de-  been  warning  that  the  literacy  and
                                                                               Education Foundation (estb.1994) has
                                              percent of GDP, this target has never
                                                                               numeracy  capability  of  government
                      private enterprise was per-
                                              cades since independence, remaining
                      petuated by Indira Gandhi,
                      Nehru’s daughter who suc-  stuck in the 3-3.5 percent groove to   school children is going from bad to
                                                                               worse. The latest A SER 201 8  testifies
                                              this day.
             ceeded him as prime minister and her   Moreover, the original sin of con-  that 49.7 percent of class V children in
             son Rajiv Gandhi who also served as   sistent under-funding of the country’s   rural government schools cannot ad-
             prime minister and president of the   1.2  million  government  schools  has   equately read and comprehend class
             Congress party which ruled India for   been compounded by other transgres-  II  textbooks,  and  only  27.8  percent
             over  a  half  century  after  1947.  Un-  sions such as packing them with un-  of class V children can solve a simple
             surprisingly, free India’s supposedly   committed, under-qualified teachers   three digits division sum.
             independent  judiciary,  packed  with   — normatively kith and kin of state-  Nevertheless although PSIR 2020
             ‘committed’  judges  by  Mrs.  Gandhi   level politicians and bureaucrats. Yet   highlights the substantial and unsung
             in the mid-seventies, passed a spate   despite the estimated 5 million gov-  contribution  of  private  schools  to
             of judgements excoriating “commer-  ernment school teachers being paid   post-independence  —  and  post-lib-
             cialisation of education” — especially   high emoluments 12-15 multiples of   eralisation (1991) — India’s splutter-
             higher professional education — as a     per  capita  national  income,  teacher   ing development effort by providing
             result of which the fundamental right   absenteeism  in  government  schools   children better quality school educa-
             of citizens to promote and administer   averages 25 percent per day, and chil-  tion, the report admits that learning
             education institutions of their choice,                           outcomes  in  the  great  majority  of
             conferred  by  Article  30  (1)  of  the   ‘Committed’ judges     private schools are marginally rather
             Constitution, has been substantially                              than infinitely, superior. Citing  SER
             eroded.                          appointed by Mrs. Gandhi         20 8 , it admits that 35 percent of class
                The ideological purity of the Ne-  in the mid-1970s passed a   V  children  in  rural  private  schools
             hru-Gandhi  dynasty  and  Congress                                cannot read a basic class II textbook
             party would have been acceptable if   spate of judgements         paragraph (cf. 49 percent in govern-
             coterminously, they had paid atten-  excoriating “commerciali-    ment  schools),  and  that  60  percent
             tion  to  developing  the  public  (gov-  sation of education”    can’t manage simple division sums.
             ernment) school system. Despite the                               Presumably, the purpose of highlight-

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