Page 43 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 43

ing this infirmity of private schools is
             a call for official and public attention
             to also improve learning outcomes in
             this important sector which schools
             half the country’s children.
                With a continuously rising num-
             ber  of  lower  middle  and  working
             class  households  pulling  children
             out  of  government  schools  because
             they believe teaching-learning stan-
             dards and English language, even if
             not English medium, education pro-
             vided by affordable private schools is
             considerably superior, it is important
             these great expectations are not be-
             lied. According to the authors of PSIR
             2020, the quality of education in the
             majority  of  private  schools  —  espe-
             cially budget private schools — tends
             to be below par because the “learning   EW India Budget Private School Rankings Awards nite: curious omission
             outcomes are under-regulated in this
             sector, whereas entry and operations   whose children don’t write common   is practised more in the breach than
             are heavily regulated”.          board or public exams. Therefore, par-  observance. Perhaps the sole initiative
             L        EARNING  OUTCOMES  IN   ter than government school education,   holistic education in affordable BPS is
                                              ents anxious to give their children bet-
                                                                               to assess the quality of academic and
                                              tend to judge their quality according
                                                                               the EducationWorld India Budget Pri-
                      affordable budget private
                      schools tend to be unmea-
                                                                               troduced in February this year which
                      sured because 60 percent   to  infrastructure  and  externalities   vate Schools Rankings (EWIBPSR) in-
                                              such as smart uniforms and claim of
             of them are primaries-upper primaries   English-medium  instruction,  which   rated  and  ranked  BPS  in  143  cities
                                                                               countrywide on 11 parameters of edu-
                 PSIR 2020  prescription for private schools growth            cation excellence.
                                                                                 The subsequent EWIBPSR Awards
                                           Comment                             Nite, at which the country’s best BPS
                 • Switch focus from assessing   Repeal s.19 of RTE Act, 2009   were  felicitated  and  celebrated  in
                 inputs to measuring       Modify rules and regulations relating to  Mumbai on February 26 for the first
                 learning outcomes         infrastructure, teacher salaries &  time in the history of Indian educa-
                                           fee increases                       tion, attracted over 400 BPS promot-
                                                                               ers and principals, and has somewhat
                 • Ease entry & operations    Establishing a greenfield school in   impacted the contribution of afford-
                                           Delhi requires 125 documents. Schools
                                           obliged to register as non-profit   able  private  schools  on  the  public
                                                                               consciousness. Curiously but not sur-
                 • Allow registration of        This will enable high-quality providers                                                                                              prisingly, the EducationWorld India
                 for-profit schools        to enter & scale                    Budget Private Schools Rankings ini-
                                                                               tiative is totally ignored by PSIR 2020.
                 • Government should facilitate    Facilitate comprehensive      The  logical,  common-sense  re-
                 regular measurement of learning   continuous evaluation to empower                                                                                                                    sponse to rock-bottom learning out-
                 outcomes                  schools and parents to cooperate for  comes, chronic teacher truancy and
                                           better learning outcomes
                                                                               continuous  flight  of  students  from
                 • Appoint independent regulator    Recommended by Kasturirangan  government to private schools would
                 for private schools       Committee, not included in NEP 2020   be  for  the  Central  and  particularly
                                                                               state governments, to focus their at-
                 • Standardise inputs and    Will enable ease of entry, operations &
                 process norms for safety,     governance.                     tention on raising teaching-learning
                 governance & infrastructure                                   standards in public schools. But evi-
                                                          Source: PSIR 2020    dently common-sense is not so com-
                                                                               mon, because disproportionate time

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