Page 46 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 46

Cover Story

             of the educracy at the Centre and in                              across the class spectrum, and there’s
             the states is expended on monitoring,                             been a nationwide flight of children of
             supervising and regulating private ed-                            aspirational households into private
             ucation. The extent to which private                              schools, and latterly private universi-
             schools are over-regulated is detailed                            ties.
             in PSIR 2020. “Private schooling is a                               Undoubtedly, the continuous exo-
             highly regulated sector and processes                             dus from public into private schools
             to open (sic) a school vary from state                            has deeply embarrassed government,
             to  state,  city  to  city,  urban  to  rural                     especially state and local governments
             areas and between affiliating boards                              (the  1,235  Kendriya  Vidyalayas  and
             — and can be extensive”, says PSIR                                661 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas run
             2020.                                                             by the Central government are better
                Citing a 2019 study of the Centre                              managed and administered because
             for Civil Society, the report states that                         they are well-funded). But instead of
             to promote a private school in Delhi,                             hunkering down to the task of upgrad-
             125 documents involving 155 “steps”                               ing and improving public schools, gov-
             have to move through the state gov-                               ernment seems hell-bent on levelling
             ernment’s Directorate of Education,   Dr. Neeraj Kaushal: unwarranted scorn  down private schools. For instance, as
             pass through the hands of 40 officials                            stated earlier, s.12 (1) (c) of the land-
             as they (documents) are scrutinised   and elite classes have shunned gov-  mark  RTE  Act,  2009  offloads  part
             against a check list of 136 points. If   ernment schools like the plague for the   of the universally accepted and con-
             this  is  the  situation  in  the  national   past half century and it’s not unusual   stitutionally mandated obligation of
             capital in which access to the courts   for middle class parents to queue for   the State to provide free and compul-
             and media is relatively easy, one can   long hours — and normatively move   sory primary education, upon private
             imagine how difficult it is to promote   heaven and earth — to procure admis-  schools. By a convoluted 2-1 majority
             private schools in other parts of the   sion forms of reputed private schools   verdict in Society  for  naided Private
             country.                         in urban India. And in recent years,   Schools of Raj asthan vs. U nion of In -
             M           OREOVER EVEN  after   have also discovered that the country’s   alisation” of private schools was sanc-
                                                                               dia (2012), “partial backdoor nation-
                                              the lower middle and working classes
                                              1.2 million public/government schools
                                                                               tified by the Supreme Court, although
                         determined  edupre-
                         neurs  surmount  for-
                         midable entry barriers,   are a sham, established for the greater   boarding  and  minority-promoted
                                                                               schools were exempted.
                                              good of over-paid, unaccountable gov-
             licenced private schools continue to be   ernment school teachers, rather than   Although it’s more than apparent
             subject to strict supervision under the   of students.            that the neta-babu brotherhood, and
             heavy hand of government. Accord-  Since liberalisation and deregula-  the establishment, has a deep animus
             ing to another study conducted by the   tion of the Indian economy in 1991   against all private initiatives in edu-
             Centre for Civil Society — one of the   —  and  particularly  in  the  new  mil-  cation, they entertain a special hatred
             country’s most respected think tanks   lennium  after  EducationWorld  was   for budget private schools (BPS). For
             — earlier this year, 450,000 private   launched in 1999 with the mission to   the obvious reason that BPS are the
             schools countrywide are governed by   “build the pressure of public opinion   natural  refuge  of  children  quitting
             a dismaying array of laws, rules and   to make education the #1 item on the   government schools across the coun-
             regulations  including  the  Societies   national agenda” — awareness of the   try. And the exodus is fast becoming
             Registration Act, 1860; Indian Trusts   transformative power of good educa-  a flood.
             Act, 1882; Companies Act, 2013; the   tion has fired the public imagination   D r.  G e e ta  K in g don ,  professor
             Right of Children to Free & Compul-                               at  the  Institute  of  Education,  Uni-
             sory Education (RTE) Act, 2009; State   Promotion of a private    versity College, London and A rv i d
             Education Acts/Rules; Fee Regulation   school in Delhi mandates   P a n a g a riy a ,  professor  of  econom-
             Acts  enacted  in  13  states;  multiple                          ics at Columbia University, USA (and
             court judgements and rules and regu-  submission of 125           founding  chairman  of  NITI  Aayog,
             lations prescribed by CBSE, CISCE,   documents involving          Delhi), confirm this phenomenon. “In-
             NIOS and 29 state exam boards.                                    dia’s public (i.e, government) elemen-
                However it’s pertinent to note that   155 ‘steps’ in the state   tary schools are in deep crisis. Nation-
             government suspicion and prejudice   government’s Directorate     ally, the number of these schools has
             against private schools is not shared   of Education              remained almost unchanged between
             by the public. The country’s middle                               2010-11 and 2017-18. But the number

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