Page 53 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 53


                                              opportunity to experiment, innovate
                                              and create with technology as a
                                              learning tool. We want to facilitate a
                                              New Era of Education in a growing
                                              number of schools and communities
                                              around  the  world.  Technology  has
                                              helped launch a new era of education
                                              that simultaneously fosters academic
                                              excellence and the practical experience
             “NEP 2020 and COVID-19           needed to succeed in life and work in   ROSHINI KUMAR,
             are accelerating digital         the growing knowledge economy.   DIRECTOR, LYCEE CORP.
             transformation and holistic
             learning of India’s schools      What are the new emerging        Born and brought up in Bangalore,
             through teachers” – ALI SAIT,    areas in digital transformation   Roshini Kumar did her schooling in
             CEO, TECH AVANT-GARDE            in schools?                      Sophia’s High School, and Higher
                                                                               Secondary from Bishop Cottons Girls’
             Ali  Sait  -  Man  on  a  mission  to   The ideas such as Collaborative   High School. She did her Information
             “Change the way people learn”:   video/audio platform, ERP, LMS,   Science Engineering from BMS
             He  was  born and  brought  up  in   CMS, e-Governance, e-Com, Skype   College of Engineering Bangalore. She
             Coonoor Nilgiris, Studied Engineering   in Classroom and Virtual field trips.   worked with Microsoft with the GTSC
             from MSRIT Bangalore and was the   Home schools become the new    division. Then worked with HP Global
             first batch of Computer Sc. Engineer   normal, Cognitive learning, Mixed   as a Business Analyst. She founded
             from Bangalore University, pursued   Reality, Immersive Learning, IOT and   Lycee Corp in 2016 to meet the needs
             Artificial Intelligence & Robotics from   AR-VR will eventually reach students   of every  educational  institution  to
             Indian Institute Sciences Bangalore.   at  home. Poor bandwidth related   transform from the four walls of the
             After completing his studies, became a   problems in remote areas could be   classroom to a Connected Learning
             software designer and ‘Entrepreneur. At   tackled the way it is done in other   Community based on UNESCO
             present, he is passionate about creating   countries – internet through Airband   philosophy.
             a Connected Learning Community,   and TV whitespaces.
             which is 2020 vision of UNESCO.                                   Lycee- Cyber Academe was developed
             Excerpts from his interview      Tell us about your company       under the fostering program of Tech
                                              Tech Avant-Garde (TAG)?          Avant-Garde. From the stable of
             Tell us about your dream         What else is it doing?           Lycee Corp, she launched Efeeonline-
             of a Connected Learning                                           Bespoke Fee management system
             Community?                       TAG is a technology services     for educational institutions. Now,
                                              organization, which focuses on   Efeeonline has a co-sell program
             In   the   Connected   Learning  “Product Fostering” which means   with Microsoft called MASP-Pro. Her
             Community: Students, educators and   Development,  Nurturing  and  quest to make a difference in young
             parents have anytime, anyplace access   Promoting of the software products.   India from all segments of society
             to learning; Learning is relevant,   We are a  Global Training Partner   made her launch a program called
             individualized and personalized;   of Microsoft  – we train educational   Roshini Social Schooling which is a
             Schools have information systems that   institutions  to  Go  Digital  and Go   experiential learning program mainly
             support  accountability  and  efficient   Green.                  for government schools to make their
             management; Schools,  campuses,                                   children 21st century ready and to
             homes, libraries, businesses and   Our expertise lies in integrating of   remove the knowledge divide. Now
             global  resources  are  connected  in   Payment and cloud and mobile based   she is passionate about the Knowledge
             a dynamic, collaborative learning   applications which includes ERP,   L’avenir Conclave, which makes the
             environment. Yet for 21st century   Communication and collaboration   teachers digitally skilled and Future
             learning, technology alone is not   platform, Learning Management,   Ready. Her motto  is  “Education
             sufficient.  Schools,  students,  and   Content  management,  E-commerce   transforms societies; knowledge is
             teachers must have the vision and   platform and e-Governance     the only asset you can never lose”
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