Page 58 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 58


             and governance programmes under   the type of leaders India urgently   deceptively old world premises in
             the aegis of the Vision India Founda-  needs,” says Mathur.       Bangalore’s central business district,
             tion. The rising popularity of these   Wind in your sails!        WQJ has transformed into the city’s
             programmes attended by 1,300 fel-                 Autar Nehru (Delhi)  most popular printing press with a
             lows in four years led to a 12-month                              clientele spread across India and the
             ally to the Masters programme and  Man for all                    US, UK and Canada.
             accelerator programme and eventu-
                                                                                 Simultaneously, Chandra Mouli
             promotion of RSPL.               seasons                          pursued his diverse interests by sign-
                According to Mathur, the promo-                                ing up for several short-term study
             tion of RSPL is inspired by Ecole Li-                                    programmes. “Every birth-
             b re des Sciences Politiques (Sciences                                   day, I resolved to learn and
             Po), France and The Matsushita In-                                       develop a new skill. And
             stitute of Government and Manage-                                        that’s how over the years
             ment, Japan. “We need thought, so-                                       I developed capabilities
             cial and also political leaders rooted                                   in public speaking, com-
             in the soil to represent the will of the                                 munication and personal-
             people and place the nation above                                        ity development training,
             self. There is a dearth of this type of                                  theatre, graphology, pranic
             leadership in contemporary Indian                                        healing, wildlife, adventure
             society,” says Mathur. Graduate                                          sports and wine tasting,”
             students of RSPL will be trained in                                      says Chandra Mouli, a
             three domains — academia, politics                                       member of the Toastmas-
             and civil society.                                                       ters International (358,000
             Direct talk. “During my days at ISB,                                     members in 141 countries),
             Hyderabad with nothing to do on   C’mouli: vast skills repertoire         a US-based non-profit that
             weekends, I started working with                                          operates clubs worldwide
             Youth For Seva. It was then that      .K. CHANDRA MOULI is        to promote communication, public
             I discovered that our youth are       director of Grafiprint Pvt. Ltd   speaking and leadership skills
             disconnected from society and there  Twhich runs the W.Q. Judge   Direct talk.  “My objective is to en-
             is need to re-connect them with   Press (estb.1952), Bangalore, one   able corporate professionals, teach-
             the country’s grave socio-economic   of the garden city’s oldest print-  ers and students to develop verbal
             problems. After I moved to the US, I   ing presses specialising in printing   and written communication capabil-
             retained contact with several of my   stationery, books and magazines,   ity, body language, etiquette and
             IIT batchmates. And then one day,   especially for education institu-  public speaking skills. With college/
             I decided to pack my bags and head   tions. Moreover he is a multi-skilled   university students and especially
             homewards because I wanted to pur-  polymath with a vast repertoire of   business executives working from
             sue my passion of creating impactful   skills spanning public speaking,   home, this is an opportunity for
             change agents and joined the Vision   graphology, theatre, pranic heal-  them to develop good communica-
             India Foundation. That was the start   ing, story-telling and wine tasting,   tion skills. It will enhance the CVs of
             of my journey to actualise my ambi-  and also communications trainer   working professionals and employ-
             tion of making India a better nation   and transformational coach who has   ability of students in an uncertain
             through interventionist leadership   mentored over 10,000 individuals   economy,” says Chandra Mouli, a
             training,” recalls Mathur.       countrywide.                     professional trainer certified by the
             Future plans. Looking ahead, Mathur   Newspeg. Recently, Chandra Mouli   Indian Academy of Training and
             believes that generating awareness of   has written to over 500 schools,   Development (ITAD), Chennai.
             the civilisational riches and wisdom   colleges and universities offering   Future plans. Despite prevailing
             of ancient India in executive educa-  communication training and coach-  gloom and pessimism, Chandra
             tion programmes can produce a new   ing services.                 Mouli is confident about the future
             generation of leaders. “Currently,   History. A commerce graduate of   and predicts a 30 percent upsurge in
             RSPL has five areas of focus: civili-  Bangalore University with numerous   business after the pandemic lock-
             sational studies, wellness, foreign   certifications in print technology and   down is lifted. “The Indian economy
             relations, innovation in governance   management, Chandra Mouli began   will experience a V-shape recovery.
             and social leadership. By integrating   his career in 1985 at the family-  The focus on Make in India and
             these focus subjects into a postgrad   owned W.Q. Judge Press. Since then   A tmanirb har Bharat initiatives will
             study programme, we can produce   over the past 35 years within its   drive demand for indigenous goods

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