Page 55 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 55


              Ensuring children’s health and wellbeing

                                      in the Covid19 era

                            B y  M r  nk it T ib rew al ,  Desig nated  Partner  Q m ax  W orl d

                 ringing preventive solutions that are    parents, children alike.  After a massive digital launch
                 responsive to real life problems has been at   on  rd  eptember        el   eal is now a part o   max
                 the core of Qmax World. Adapting to the   World’s portfolio and is available for its customers to
         Bchanging situations, launching of products      buy safe fabric. The digital launch saw the presence of a
         has been a priority since the outbreak of a virus that   range of dignitaries such as:
         turned into a pandemic. We are all being extra careful        r   havin  hah        ducation orld
         with everything, from sanitizing to frequent washing        r   hristopher  arvey   resident  ealth uard
         our hands, but have we thought of what protects the    orporation
         clothing that protects us? How do we keep clothes safe
         while we’re outside? In the wake of the pandemic and        s   ictoria  arvey        ealth uard
         the need to keep our fabric virus free, Qmax World, a    orporation
         leading manufacturer of uniform fabrics launched a        r   aishadh  esai   ounder    hairman
         world class antiviral and antibacterial range of fabrics    ritacel  ilicones  td
         called “Self Heal” which kills 99.9% of viruses and        r   rindam  houdhuri   usiness  ead-  lobal
         bacterias with claims o  e ficacy o  upto    washes     ritacel  ilicones  td
           This innovation and inclusion of antiviral properties        r   wati  opat  ats   resident  arly  hildhood
         on fabrics promises protection to everybody from a     ssociation    ssociation o   rimary  ducation
         healthcare professional, factory workers to even school   and Research
         students   t s use is diversified as it  ills superbugs li e
         MSRA, is anti-allergy, hypo-allergenic, prevents odour        arpreet  uri   lobal  ndian  nfluencer
         as well as discoloration and thus can be used at your   8.  Mr. Sunil Tibrewal, Founder, Qmax World
         resort.                                                 r   n it Tibrewal   esignated  artner
            s we have been in a long fight with  ovid-   and   Qmax World
         continue to do so all over the country and world, it is         s   i ita  haisal ar   ashion  esigner   i ita
         important to look out for protective gear that helps   Mhaisalkar
         protect us and our school going children. With Self
         Heal, a fabric that possesses antibacterial, antiviral   Apart from the above mentioned dignitaries, Qmax
         properties their use could be o  great benefit to us while    orld also had  oha  li  han  a  ollywood actress  a
         taking the worries off our head about our elders, young   daughter, a wife, a mother who supported our launch.
         children going to school and also ourselves. Through   She believes that “Self Heal” is a perfect safety blanket
         the production of “Self Heal” Qmax World is stepping   for all our virus worries. She also trusts Self Heal by
         towards creating a safer environment and providing   Qmax world and would not worry when it comes to
         some normalcy in the pandemic-prone world. It aims   sending her child to school with Self Heal protected
         at adapting to the post  ovid world where we have one   fabric. She went on to say,”A brand that cares is a brand
         less thing to worry about, that is the clothes we wear.   that proves it with its work”.
         With school going children, wearing their uniforms    ll things said and done  living in the post  ovid
         for most part of the day, it will act as an active barrier   could be a task and keeping ourselves safe is our major
         from these viruses and bacterias. This technology   treasure in such times   oo  out  or yoursel  and people
         will be a relief to the school community, authorities,   you love, choose wisely and invest happily.

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