Page 73 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 73


                            Diplomathon Global World Edition - Dialogue

                            of Resilience amidst the pandemic

                                                                           to the conference. This added to their confidence & also
                                                                           eased the environment as they interac ted prior to the
                                                                           f ormal proc eeding s.  he c onf erenc e c onc luded with all
                                                                           c ommittees suc c essf ully passing  a resolution.
                                                                            “ T he day was simply ama ing , I  have never sat on
                                                                           one plac e the whole day, b e it physic ally or on an online
                                                                           platf orm b ut the sessions were really c aptivating  and I
                                                                           enjoyed and c herished every sec ond.”
                                                                            -  Prishaa, D eleg ate of  U NI CE F I I
                                                                            T he students who partic ipated in D iplomathon G lob al
                                                                           W orld E dition have c ome out af ter the 3  day c onf erenc e
                                                                           learning  new skills and enjoying  themselves thoroug hly.
                                                                           For a lot of  them it is where they stepped into the world
                                                                           of  D iplomac y and spoke ab out a matter related to the
                                                                            D iplomathon G lob al is driven to provide ac c ess to a
                    ith over 2 4  diverse c ommittees,   enter, they will interac t with people f rom dif f erent   larg er c ommunity of  like minded individuals and shape
                    D iplomathon G lob al W orld E dition,   c ountries and diverse b ac kg rounds. Prob lems taking    the very f ramework we all live in ac ross g eog raphies
                    the most diverse international   plac e half way around the g lob e impac t our lives, our   on this planet with the partic ipation of  9 0 0 +  students
         W platf orm b y D iplomathon G lob al   c ountry, and our c ommunities.  worldwide.
         yet on g lob al perspec tive and c ommunic ation among st   D eleg ates had various training  sessions to prepare   D iplomathon G lo al W orld E dition in asso iation with
         middle sc hool &  hig h sc hool students ( G rades 6  to 1 2 )    f or the c onf erenc e whic h helped them to understand   E duc ation W orld, Parents W orld &  SD G ’ s f or Children
         c onc luded on 6 th Septemb er held online. Partic ipants   the f ormat b etter.  he c onf erenc e also inc luded c risis   made it possib le to amplif y our c ollec tive voic e towards a
         f rom ac ross 9  dif f erent c ountries attended the session   c ommittees to instig ate prob lem solving  &  adaptab ility   more inf ormed g eneration who is b oth aware and ag ile to
         and were part of  dif f erent c ommittees like the W orld   of  the students.  c hang ing  times. W ith D iplomathon G lob al W orld E dition
         E c onomic  Forum, W orld H ealth O r aniz ation, NASA,           being a huge success, Diplomathon Global, for the first
         BRI CS etc .  he c onf erenc e was held on 3 rd, 5 th &  6 th   T he aim was to c ultivate &  enhanc e leadership   time ever, is all set to welc ome Primary Students on
         Septemb er virtually and had ag endas that revolved   skills, neg otiation skills, pub lic  speaking  skills etc . I t   2 4 th O c tob er f or D iplomathon G lob al Primary E dition.
         around g lob al issues with over 2 4 0  sc hools partic ipatin    is said that at c onf erenc es, students learn f rom eac h
         g lob ally. Students disc ussed &  de ated upon various   other.  he c onf erenc e does not replac e the c lassroom   Bec ause of  their young  ag e, primary/  elementary
         topic s like  alling  out to  overnments to intensif y ac tions   –  the c onf erenc e always c omplements the c lassroom.   sc hool students are usually more open minded
         on land to meet c limate c hang e targ ets, T rac king    Students internaliz e what they learn in c lass and deliver   to c onsider and ac c ept diverse opinions, whic h
         prog ress of  the CO VI D  -  1 9  vac c ine &  Plan of  ac tion   that inf ormation throug h speec hes, c auc using , and   is something  very important f or the resolution of
         f or D istri ution of  Vac c ination,  he Chinese deb t and   resolutions. Students learnt ab out the world as they   international c onf lic ts. D iplomathon G lob al Primary
         its ef f ec t on SAARC’ s f unc tioning , Measures to rec over   prepared f or the D iplomathon G lob al W orld E dition,   E dition is c onc eptualised b ased on &  related to the
         deb t g iven to c ountries while c onsidering  their ec onomic    representing  c ountries other than their own, and present   Sustainab le D evelopment G oals to help young  students
         status and prog ress made f rom previous drawing s and   possib le solutions to g lob al prob lems in c ommittee.  adapt &  develop a b asic  understanding  of  the real world
         many more. Students f ormed resolutions &  b loc s to   T he opportunity provided students a platf orm to   b y c ommunic ation and awareness b uilding .
         ex perienc e and understand how c ountries f unc tion on   eng ag e &  interac t with deleg ates ac ross b orders while   W ith new b eg inning s, the org anisation prepares to
         an international platf orm.     staying  within the c omf orts of  their home.   welc ome young  deleg ates &  eag er parents ab oard.
           D iplomathon G lob al has c urated more than 1 8    D iplomathon G lob al W orld E dition with its   T o know more ab out D iplomathon G lob al log  on to www.
         c onf erenc es internationally. E mb rac ing  the new normal   prec onf erenc e training  session provided with a platf orm
         D iplomathon G lob al has suc c essf ully transf ormed its   f or the deleg ates to interac t &  f ormulate strateg ies prior
         c onf erenc e modules into a virtual platf orm and eng ag ed
         youth g lob ally.
           Resilienc e c an help us g et throug h and over ome
         hardship. T hat’ s why we all respond to stress and
         adversity— like that f rom the CO VI D - 1 9  pandemic —
         di f erently, our response on this world f orum has b een of
         a like minded one.G oing  online has made D iplomathon
         G lob al Conf erenc es ac c essib le to every student
         ac ross the world.  he training  session modules f oc us
         on enhanc ing  the c onf erenc e ex perienc e &  equipping
         the student with the rig ht researc h tools &  a direc tion f or
         parliamentary deb ates.
           Cultivating  a g rowth mind- set, strateg ic
         c ollab orations, mindf ul ac tions, c aref ully c raf ted
         speec hes and impromptu outlook has  een the  oc us
         f or D iplomathon G lob al W orld E dition. I n this era of
         g lob aliz ation, learning  ab out the world is more important
         than ever. No matter what field or profession students
                                          EDUCATIONWORLD SEPTEMBER 2020
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