Page 70 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 70

Special Report

             HIGHER EDUCATION: RESTRUCTURING & CONSOLIDATION                   of creative thinking and practical
                                                                               utility to develop curriculums for
             Dr. C. Raj Kumar                 cation institutions) into large multi-  well-structured 1/2/3/4 year under-
                                              disciplinary universities and colleges as   graduate programmes. It is critical
                                              mandated by NEP 2020?            to devise curriculums that equip
                                              Clustering HEIs into large       students with sufficient skills to
                                              multidisciplinary universities will   find employment when they exit the
                                              enable delivery of holistic education   system. Also, a robust system will be
                                              to students, and lead to better   needed to manage the proposed Aca-
                                              utilisation of available resources.  demic Bank of Credits, and maintain
                                                  To implement this proposal, it’s   reliable records of students entering
                                              important for HEIs to expand into   and exiting study programmes.
                                              multidisciplinary universities, or
                                              cluster and consolidate themselves   What do you see as the major policy
                                              into viable universities. Established   implementation roadblocks in higher
                                              universities could mentor colleges   education?
                                              to manage the transformation.    For NEP 2020 to be implemented
                                              Therefore, regulatory agencies   in timely and effective manner, the
                                              should give them time, support   entire higher education ecosystem
                                              and resources to expand their    needs to commit itself to build-
                                              range of disciplines or cluster with   ing trust between all stakehold-
                                              neighbouring institutions.       ers including HEIs, government
                                                                               authorities and regulatory bodies. To
                                              NEP 2020 has set a target of India   introduce greater transparency and
             A                                achieving GER (gross enrolment ratio) in   speed up decision-making processes,
                   polymath alumnus of Madras,
                                              higher education of 50 percent by 2035.
                                                                               HEIs need academic freedom, insti-
                   Delhi, Hong Kong, Oxford
                                              This could result in quality dilution…
                                                                               tutional autonomy, and operational
                   and Harvard universities,
             Dr. C. Raj Kumar is founding vice   If we are able to successfully achieve   independence.
             chancellor of the O.P. Jindal Global   the consolidation of HEIs and estab-  Also, supervisory and regula-
             University, Sonipat, Haryana (JGU,   lish one HEI per district as proposed   tory agencies should empower and
             estb.2009). JGU is ranked among   by NEP 2020, we should achieve   grant greater academic freedom to
             India’s Top 5 private universities   this GER target. Other reforms   autonomous HEIs and Institutes of
             by EducationWorld, and India’s #1   such as multiple entry and exit op-  Eminence to improve their global
             private university in the World Uni-  tions, award of vocational degrees   standing. Moreover, government
             versity Rankings 2021 league table   and providing higher education in   agencies and regulatory bodies
             of the London-based Quacquarelli   local languages will also translate   should consider engaging HEIs in
             Symonds (QS).                    into higher enrolment. However,   participative consultation, especially
                                              there’s also need to focus on invest-  when creating or modifying regula-
             How satisfied are you with NEP 2020’s   ing resources in faculty expansion   tions impacting them.
             proposals for higher education?  and development, so that increased
             NEP 2020 is an outstanding policy   student intake doesn’t compromise   Is there any important reform in higher
             document and has the vision and   quality or negatively impact teacher-  education which NEP 2020 has not ad-
             potential to revolutionise higher   pupil ratios. A collaborative effort   dressed?
             education in India, if executed as   is needed between government,   Though NEP 2020 has done a thor-
             proposed. The policy document is   regulators, universities and private   ough job of covering a wide range of
             wide-ranging covering pedagogy and   philanthropists to ensure quality is   issues, I would have liked the policy
             curriculum, online learning, multi-  not diluted. My belief is that the use   to pay more attention to:
             disciplinary education and research,   of technology, introduction of multi-  • The role of private higher educa-
             internationalisation, digitisation,   disciplinary education, curriculum   tion institutions, including private
             professional and vocational educa-  and pedagogical reforms will ensure   universities. This is particularly
             tion, teacher education, student   balance between quality and equi-  critical given that over 70 percent of
             experiences, regulatory frameworks,   table access.               students are in private HEIs.
             institutional governance, diversity                               • Ways and means to incentivise
             and other crucial facets of higher   The advantages of multiple entry and   philanthropists to promote not-for-
             education. I especially appreciate   exit points in higher education study   profit private HEIs, including gener-
             the balance this policy proposes to   programmes.                 ous tax benefits and other incentives
             achieve between quality and equity   This will provide students flexibility   for donors.
             of access to higher education, and   and enable them to complete their   • The importance of Indian univer-
             its emphasis on liberal arts and   higher education if they experience   sities rising in QS and TH E World
             research.                        circumstantial constraints, and also   University Rankings league tables.
                                              reduce drop-out rates. However,   • The special role that Institutes of
             What’s your comment on compulsory   implementing this NEP 2020 recom-  Eminence need to play in building
             transformation of all HEIs (higher edu-  mendation will require a balance   world-class universities.

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