Page 67 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 67


             Ryan Pinto                                                        training and support to implement
                                                                               experiential and collaborative learn-
                    n alumnus of the Aston Busi-                               ing pedagogies is imperative for
                    ness School, UK, and Cass                                  delivering holistic curriculums.
             ABusiness School, London,                                         C on tin u ou s  a n d c om  p re h e n s iv e
             Ryan Pinto is CEO of the Mumbai-                                  a s s e s s m  e n t.  The evaluation system
             based Ryan International Group of                                 needs overhaul to enable assessment
             Institutions (RIGI), India’s largest                              of students’ application and analyti-
             proprietorial K-12 schools chain                                  cal  capabilities.
             with 137 schools and an aggregate
             enrolment of over 270,000 students                                WIll introduction of a wide range of new
             mentored by 16,000 teachers.                                      courses/subjects in secondary school
                                                                               drive up school fees?
             How satisfied are you with NEP 2020’s                              This proposal will have to be imple-
             proposals for curricular reforms in K-12                          mented with care and consideration
             education?                                                        as students will benefit from varied
             NEP 2020 is a comprehensive educa-                                subject choices only if their chosen
             tion policy document. Its school cur-                             subjects benefit them in higher
             riculum reforms are laudable espe-                                education. Moreover, introduc-
             cially the proposal to eliminate rote                             tion of even limited subject choices
             learning in favour of competencies   colleges will become redundant as   across the science, commerce and
             assessment. Moreover its emphasis   classes XI and XII will become inte-  arts streams will require recruitment
             on teacher training, introduction   gral to school education.     of well-qualified teachers. This will
             of inter-disciplinary learning and                                drive up school fees.
             vocational education for all children   What should be the major priorities
             from class VI onwards, are praise-  of schools as they switch from rote   NEP 2020 has proposed introduction of
             worthy initiatives. NEP 2020’s high   learning to holistic, inquiry-based and   holistic 360 degree multi-dimensional
             emphasis on early childhood care   experiential learning recommended by   student report cards. Your comment?
             and education was overdue. I am   NEP 2020?                       The NEP 2020 policy document
             especially delighted that the policy   Schools need to transform their   emphasises assessment for learning
             document mandates development    teaching-learning systems in three   and not assessment of learning. This
             of curriculums and pedagogies that   fundamental areas:           shift will transform the way teach-
             promote critical thinking, creativity,   C on te n t s u p p ort.  Teachers and   ers teach and students learn. To
             problem-solving and knowledge ap-  students need to be provided cur-  implement this proposal, intensive
             plication skills. These practices were   riculums /content that promote   teacher training will be required and
             introduced in RIGI schools several   creativity, critical thinking and   exam/test formats will need to be
             years ago.                       deep understanding of theoretical   overhauled to assess students across
                                              concepts.                        cognitive, affective and psychomotor
             NEP 2020 proposes a new 5+3+3+4   T e a c h e rs .  Continuous teacher   domains.
             academic structure to replace the exist-
             ing 10+2 school system. How easy will   NEP 2020’s school         What are the major implementation
             it be for private schools to switch to this   curriculum reforms are   roadblocks to NEP 2020?
             new structure?                                                    India has 250 million school-going
             This is a welcome initiative because   laudable especially the    children. This is a staggering number
             it paves the way for all government   proposals to eliminate      and the sheer scale of implementa-
             and private schools to formally                                   tion will be a huge challenge. It will
             integrate nursery and kindergarten   rote learning in favour of   take massive effort to change the
             education into school education.   competencies assessment        course of such a large ship. Apart
             While the transition may be difficult                             from government, teachers, school
             for some schools that don’t provide   and emphasis on teacher     managements, parents and students
             early years education, the new struc-  training and inter-        also need to be educated about the
             ture will soon become normative.   disciplinary learning          transformational benefits of NEP
             Also, higher secondaries and junior                               2020.

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