Page 65 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 65

NEP 2020: billion dollar funding question

             diture including education, is certain to be slashed. Despite   spreading. “NEP 2020 is an eloquent statement of hopes
             NEP 2020 reiterating government resolve to raise spend-  and aspirations. Its road to heaven is paved with good in-
             ing on public education to 6 percent of GDP (NPE 1986   tentions. Alas, economic, social and political realities might
             and its predecessor Kothari Commission in 1966 had made   play the serpent in this paradise,” wrote  e e p a k  N a y y a r,
             similar pleas), current government (Centre plus states)   former vice chancellor of Delhi University in Mint (August
             spending on public education is a mere 3.1 percent of GDP.   13).
                The universal expectation is that far from increasing,   Meanwhile with NEP 2020 now official policy, the
             government expenditure on public education will decrease   newly renamed Union education ministry, has invited sug-
             during the next three years, as recovering industry and   gestions from school teachers and principals on ways and
             business growth momentum — and add to that additional   means to implement NEP 2020. “We believe that teachers
             defence expenditure because of the China threat in the   are the key to implementation of NEP 2020, and hence we
             north-east border region — become the top priorities of   have decided to call for suggestions from all school teachers
             government.                                       and principals from across the country on how to take the
                Nevertheless, in a live broadcast to the nation on August   implementation process of the National Education Policy
             7, prime minister Narendra Modi reiterated the Central   forward,” tweeted  a m  e s h  P ok h riy a l , Union education
             government’s determined resolve to implement NEP 2020.   minister, on August 23. A similar invitation is likely to be
             “It is natural for some people to question that after such   extended by the ministry to academics in higher education.
             a big reform was brought on paper, how will it be imple-  Even as this laborious official process gets underway,
             mented at the ground level. That is, now everyone’s eyes   EducationWorld presents suggestions and recommen-
             are towards its implementation. All of you are directly   dations of seven carefully selected education leaders for
             involved with the implementation of the National Educa-  implementing NEP 2020 in seven critical domains: early
             tion Policy and therefore your role is very important. As far   childhood care and education; school curriculum and
             as political will is concerned, I am fully committed to it and   pedagogy development; teacher education; standards-set-
             I am with you,” said Modi.                        ting and accreditation; higher education restructuring and
                However, pessimism about implementing NEP 2020 is   regulation and vocational education.

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