Page 66 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 66

Special Report

             EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE & EDUCATION                                  proposed by NEP 2020.
             Swati Popat Vats                 veloped countries that have designed   Restructuring of ECCE to include 5 years
                                              common core ECCE curriculum      of foundational learning (3-8 years)
                                              guidelines such as EYFS (UK), EYLF   For this proposed restructuring to
                                              (Australia) and EYDL (Singapore).   succeed, clear planning is needed.
                                              These are excellent documents that   First, continuity of curriculum needs
                                              detail standards covering infrastruc-  to be ensured. Second, a massive
                                              ture requirements, safety processes,   national campaign needs to be
                                              curriculum goals, assessment     launched to recruit and train teach-
                                              systems, etc, providing high-quality   ers to deliver education to children
                                              benchmarks for ECCE centres, teach-  in the 3-8 years age group. Third,
                                              ers and parents. NCERT must study   standalone private preschools, most
                                              these countries’ ECCE policies and   of whom provide education until the
                                              adapt their best practices. There’s no   age of five, need to be assured that
                                              point wasting time on reinventing   their children will be automatically
                                              the wheel.                       enrolled in neighbourhood schools
                                              ● NCERT and SCERTs should invite   for learning continuity until they at-
                                              curriculum and child development   tain the age of eight years.
                                              experts and organisations such as the
                                              ECA which have a wealth of experi-  Developing a cadre of high-quality ECCE
                                              ence to contribute to the design of   teachers.
                                              NCPFECCE.                        This is dependent on creating a
                                              ● Currently, there’s too much focus   national ECCE qualification and
                   r. Swati Popat Vats is presi-  on the development of cognitive   formally training all in-service ECCE
                   dent of the Early Childhood   rather than social skills in ECCE cur-  teachers. ECA has developed an
             DAssociation (ECA, estb.2011)    riculums. NCPFECCE should strike a   excellent ECCE teachers training
             which has a membership of 38,000   balance between the two to develop   module for children in the 0-8 years
             preschools countrywide, and presi-  socially and emotionally capable and   group.
             dent of the Association for Primary   ‘happy to learn’ children.
             Education and Research.                                           What are the major implementation
             How satisfied are you with NEP 2020’s   Strengthening the country’s 1.4 million   roadblocks?
                                                                               According to NEP 2020, four minis-
             recommendations for early childhood   anganwadis and their integration into
             care and education (ECCE)?       school complexes/clusters as recom-  tries are in charge of ECCE — educa-
                                                                               tion, women and child development,
             NEP 2020 clearly acknowledges that   mended by NEP 2020.          health and family welfare, and tribal
             over 85 percent of a child’s cumula-  For historical reasons, government-  affairs. A special joint task force
             tive brain development happens   promoted anganw adis lack quali-  should be constituted to ensure
             prior to the age of six years and that   fied ECCE teachers, quality learning   smooth integration of ECCE into
             ECCE is the foundation of all future   materials and infrastructure.    primary education. There’s the dan-
             learning. This is cause for celebra-  Against this backdrop, integrating   ger of ECCE being lost in boundary
             tion. To its credit, the policy has   anganw adis into school complexes/  disputes between these ministries.
             made sensible proposals to improve   clusters as proposed by NEP 2020 is   NEP 2020 states that regulation
             all ECCE programmes except in the   a good idea as it will enable them to   should be light but tight. I fear that
             area of teacher training.        share resources and ensure learn-
                                              ing continuity. But care needs to be   state governments may take this as a
             What are your implementation/sugges-  taken to ensure that the develop-  license to come down hard on private
             tions for the following:         ment needs of youngest children   preschools.
             National Curricular and Pedagogical   are prioritised. Most important, we
             Framework for Early Childhood Care and   need to design a mechanism to de-  Is there any important area of ECCE
             Education (NCPFECCE)             velop quality teachers and improve   which NEP 2020 has failed to address?
             ● NCERT has been tasked with     learning outcomes in anganwadis   ● The policy should have prescribed
             developing NCPFECCE within two   countrywide.  SER has developed   a common national ECCE teacher
             sub-frameworks — for 0-3 year-olds   an assessment scale for preschools   qualification. This would have en-
             and 3-8 year-olds. I hope the phi-  which should be strengthened and   hanced societal respect for teachers
             losophies and pedagogies of globally   deployed in all preschools country-  and ensured better salaries.
             respected ECCE pioneers such as   wide.                           ● The policy has failed to stress the
             Friedrich Froebel and Maria Montes-  But to do this, it’s imperative to   need for parent education.
             sori and Indian educationists Gijub-  increase the budgetary allocation   ● The PARAKH National Assess-
             hai Badheka, Rabindranath Tagore,   for the ICDS programme. In Union   ment Centre proposed by NEP 2020,
             Mahatma Gandhi, Tarabai Modak    Budget 2020-21, a mere Rs.20,532   should have been tasked with assess-
             and Anutai Wagh will be reflected in   crore was allocated for 1.4 million   ment of early years education. This
             the frameworks.                  anganwadis. This needs to be tripled   would have ended regressive testing
             ● We need to follow the lead of de-  to implement the ECCE reforms   practices of some preschools.

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