Page 68 - EducationWorld September 2020
P. 68

Special Report

             STANDARDS-SETTING & ACCREDITATION FOR SCHOOLS                     validating processes and taking
                                                                               corrective action if required, during
             Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo           still executing all roles?       implementation. In my opinion, the
                                              NEP 2020 has separated the func-  biggest roadblock is funding. NPE
                                              tions of policy formulation, opera-  1986 recommended raising public
                                              tions and regulation and entrusted   spending on education to 6 percent
                                              them to different government     of GDP, but over the past 34 years
                                              agencies. While the State Educa-  national spending has not exceeded
                                              tion Department is tasked with   3.5 percent of GDP. Moreover,
                                              policy formulation, the Directorate   successful implementation of
                                              of Education is in charge of running   NEP 2020 requires a complete
                                              government schools and SCERT will   transformation in the mindset
                                              set academic standards. The success   of policy makers and regulatory
                                              of this three-tier system will depend   agencies which will take time. There
                                              on how effectively state governments   is also fear that the new regulations
                                              are able to maintain the indepen-  and regulatory authorities
                                              dence of these institutions.     established by NEP 2020 may
                                              Won’t the State School Standards   prompt protests and litigation from
                                              Authority (SSSA) tighten government   private school stakeholders, which
                                              regulation of private schools?   will delay implementation.
                                              An ‘independent’ SSSA is mandated   Is there any important area of school
                                              with regulating public and private   regulation which NEP 2020 has failed to
                   r. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo is   schools and monitor maintenance   address?
                   founder-chairman of the Bhu-  of minimum common standards.  I believe NEP 2020 should have
             Dbaneswar (Odisha)-based SAI     Careful selection of SSSA members   included the following initiatives to
             International Group comprising four   is of paramount importance for   ensure better and faster transforma-
             institutions — the SAI International   maintaining its independence.   tion of Indian education:
             School, SAI International Residential   Otherwise, it will end up over-  •  u n din g .  Promoting education
             School, Sai Angan preschool and Sai   regulating private and under-  institutions is a capital intensive
             International College of Commerce   regulating public, schools.   endeavour requiring large capital
             — with an aggregate enrolment of   All schools are obliged to post extensive   infusion in the form of debt, debt
             5,260 students and 756 teachers. Dr.   information on the SSSA and institu-  instruments and quasi-equity. NEP
             Sahoo is also Advisor with ministe-  tional websites. Doesn’t this NEP 2020   2020 should have provided for equi-
             rial rank of the Odisha Adarsha   provision violate institutional privacy?  ty funding and investment in private
             Vidyalaya Sangathan, tasked with the   While self-disclosure of all institu-  education by Real Estate Invest-
             mission to establish 314 CBSE-affil-  tional information by schools will   ment Trusts (REITs), Infrastructure
             iated English-medium government   ensure transparency, regulators   Investment Trust (InvIT) and Private
             schools — one in every administra-  have to safeguard schools against   Equity (PE).
             tive block of Odisha.            harassment and misuse of disclosed   •  h re e  T ie r M  ode l .  This model
             Are you satisfied with NEP 2020’s pro-  information.               adopted by most developed nations
                                                                               mandates a property company to
             posals for regulating schools?   NEP 2020 proposes a National As-  build education infrastructure, an
             For the first time in Indian education   sessment Centre (PARAKH) to conduct   operating company to manage infra-
             history, NEP 2020 has focused on   numerous examinations. What’s your   structure and services, and society/
             learning outcomes rather than input-  comment?                    trust to manage education institu-
             based standards for school educa-  The National Assessment Centre for   tions. Endorsement of this model by
             tion. The proposed State School   Performance Assessment, Review   NEP 2020 would have facilitated es-
             Standards Authority (SSSA) will   and Analysis of Knowledge for   tablishment of education institutions
             ensure accountability and improve   Holistic Development — PARAKH   of global standards in our country.
             overall quality of K-12 education.  — has been set up to conduct exams   •  rie v a n c e  re dre s s a l  a n d a p p e l -
             Most important, if implemented as   for classes III, V and VIII in addition   l a te  m  e c h a n is m  .  To reduce litiga-
             proposed, it will ensure all schools   to classes X and XII board exams.   tion, the policy should have included
             — public and private — maintain   Though this will ensure better learn-  a detailed, well-defined grievance
             minimum quality standards. NEP   ing outcomes, there’s the danger   redressal and appellate mechanism
             2020 states that all public and   that too many exams will stress out   for public and private schools.
             private schools will be assessed and   children, especially in their formative   •  e n tra l  a n d s ta te  e du c a tion
             accredited on common criteria. In   years, teachers and parents.  b oa rds .  A provision in NEP 2020 to
             the long run greater accountability                               synchronise uniformity between the
             will improve overall standards.  What are the major implementation
                                              roadblocks confronting NEP 2020?  Central and state education boards
             The policy separates the regulatory and   The success of NEP 2020 will   would have paved the way for one
             operational functions of government. Is   depend on adherence to timelines   nation, one curriculum and common
             this possible with government agencies   in formulating regulations,   standards.

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