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                                                                               and  rank  sufficiently  well-reputed
                                                                               government schools.
                                                                                 The EWISR 2021-22 league table
                                                                               of government day schools is likely to
                                                                               provoke celebration in the AAP gov-
                                                                               ernment of Delhi state because its  a -
                                                                               j k i ya P rat i b ha V i k as  V i dyal aya
                                                                               ( R P V V ) ,  Se ct o r 1 0 ,  Dw ark a,  e w
                                                                               De l hi  has bested Kendriya Vidyalaya,
                                                                               Pattom (Kerala) and is ranked India’s
                                                                               #1 government day school. With top
                                                                               scores on academic reputation, indi-
                                                                               vidual attention to students, parental
                                                                               involvement and co-curricular educa-
                                                                               tion RPVV, Dwarka has regained its
                                                                               #1 rank of 2018-19 and 2019-20.
                                                                                 Within the Top 5 are K e n dri ya
                                                                               V i dyal aya,  I I T  M  adras ,  C he n n ai
                                                                               elevated to #2 (3) followed by K V ,
                                                                               P at t o m   dislodged from #1 to #3 this
             RPVV Dwarka’s Ranjana Sharma (fourth from left): special satisfaction  year.  The  Kerala  government’s  cel-
                                                                               ebrated G o v e rn m  e n t  V o cat i o n al
             In recent years in response to relentless criticism from this     H i g h r  Se co n dary  Scho o l   f o r
                                                                               G i rl s ,  N adak k av u,  K o z hi k o de  is
             publication, several state governments have promoted              ranked  #4  (3)  followed  by  K V - I I T
             high-quality primary-secondaries which are threatening            B o m  b ay,  P o w ai   jointly ranked with
             the dominance of Central government Kendriya Vidyalayas           the Bombay Municipal Corporation’s
                                                                               W  o rl i  Se af ace  M  um  b ai  P ub l i c
                                                                               E n g l i s h Scho o l  at #5 (4)
                   ad but true. The country’s 1.20   respondents polled by field personnel   “It’s a great honour to be ranked
                   million  government  schools   of C fore, the highly reputed market   India’s #1 government day school, a
             Sare neglected poor relations of   research and opinion polls company   position becoming progressively dif-
             private schools. According to S tate of   which conducted the EWISR 2021-22   ficult to maintain given the stiff com-
             the  ec tor R ep ort:  Private S c hools in   survey,  have  minimal  awareness  of   petition  from  Kendriya  Vidyalayas.
             I ndia 2 0 2 0 , published jointly by the   government schools. Perhaps the only   We  are  especially  satisfied  to  have
             Central  Square  Foundation,  Delhi   government  schools  that  have  a  re-  been awarded top scores under the
             and the Omidyar Network India, 48   spectable public reputation are 1,244   parameters  of  academic  reputation
             percent of India’s 260 million school-  Kendriya Vidyalayas promoted by the   and mental and emotional well-being
             going children are learning in private   Central government for its employees.   during  the  pandemic.  Continuous
             schools. Moreover, there is a continu-  However, in recent years in response   improvement is our mantra and we
             ous exodus from public (government)   to relentless criticism from this pub-  are determined to retain our #1 rank
             to private schools.              lication,  several  state  governments   next year. Meanwhile, our class X-XII
                Hardly surprising, because govern-  have promoted high-quality primary-  students are back on campus and we
             ment schools — especially primary-  secondaries which are threatening the   are  anxiously  awaiting  government
             secondaries promoted and managed   dominance of KVs.              permission to resume full schooling,”
             by state governments — are defined   Nevertheless with very low aware-  says  R an j an a Sharm  a,  a  botany
             by  crumbling  buildings,  multigrade   ness about government schools in the   postgraduate  of  Ch.  Charan  Singh
             classrooms, chronic teacher absentee-  SEC A category, C fore surveyors con-  University, Meerut with two decades
             ism, rock-bottom learning outcomes   stituted a special sample respondents   of  teaching  and  admin  experience
             and  severe  shortages  of  electricity,   group comprising 1,027 SEC (socio-  in KVs across the country, who took
             water and toilets. Therefore, the SEC   economic category) ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ re-  charge as head of RPVV, Dwarka in
             (socio-economic category) A sample   spondents across the country to rate   July 2021. Currently the school has

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