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              The Central government promoted Jawahar Navodaya                 sha Vidyalaya Sangathan, a publicly
              Vidyalayas — free-of-charge boarding schools for                 funded initiative inaugurated in 2015
              meritorious rural children — continue to dominate the EW         by Naveen Patnaik-led the Biju Janata
                                                                               Dal (BJD) government of Odisha.
              league table of government boarding schools                        K an n an  Sun darav e l , a science
                                                                               and education alum of Madurai Ka-
                                                                               maraj, Annamalai and Bharathidasan
                                                                               universities  and  incumbent  princi-
                                                                               pal of J aw ahar N av o daya V i dya -
                                                                               l aya,  B ag a ur,  B an g al o re  U rb an
                                                                               ( J N V - B ) ,   is  elated  that  JNV-B  is
                                                                               voted India’s #1 government board-
                                                                               ing school in 2021-22. “Government
                                                                               schools including JNVs, get very little
                                                                               media coverage. Therefore, this rec-
                                                                               ognition  will  motivate  our  teachers
                                                                               to work harder for JNV-B to retain its
                                                                               #1 EWISR ranking next year. I thank
                                                                               your sample respondents for acknowl-
                                                                               edging  the  dedicated  service  of  my
                                                                               teachers and staff and the hard work,
                                                                               sincerity of my students. I am not sur-
                                                                               prised by our top rating in academic
                                                                               reputation. Every year, our students
                                                                               routinely qualify for the IITs, NITs and
                                                                               other reputed engineering and medi-
              JNV, Bagalur’s Sundaravel: recognition motivation                cal colleges.
                                                                                 “After  Covid  struck  India  last
                   onceptualised in 1984 by late   #3 in 2020-21) government boarding   March,  we  ensured  all  our  children
                   prime  minister  Rajiv  Gandhi   school pushing J N V ,  C he n n i t hal a,    were  sent  home  with  escorts  and
             C(1944-91)  as  free-of-charge   Al ap p uz ha to #2 (1) followed by the   quickly  switched  to  online  learning
             boarding schools for meritorious ru-  Haryana state government-promoted   platforms  such  as  Google  Meet  and
             ral children, the Central government-  M  o t i l al  N e hru Scho o l  o f  Sp o rt s ,    Microsoft Teams. Moreover, thanks to
             promoted  and  managed  Jawahar   So n i p at ,  which was moved last year   the generosity of our alumni, no child
             Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) — cur-  from the category of co-ed boarding to   suffered lack of digital devices and In-
             rently 661 countrywide — continue to   government boarding schools, at #3   ternet connectivity. We have recently
             dominate the EWISR league table of   (2).  ak  G ro v e  Scho o l ,  De hradun    welcomed  our  senior  classes  back
             India’s sufficiently well-known gov-  at  #4  (4)  and  J N V ,  G achi b o w l i ,    on campus and will ensure all safety
             ernment boarding schools. It’s note-  R an g a R e ddy di s t ri ct  #5 (6) com-  guidelines are followed to welcome the
             worthy that the learning outcomes of   plete this year’s Top 5 table.  rest,” says Sundaravel, who acquired
             these generously funded (Union Bud-  Further down the 16-strong table of   three decades of teaching and admin
             get  provision  in  2021-22:  Rs.3,800   government boarding schools are 10   experience in several JNVs (Manipur,
             crore) JNVs are on a par with India’s   JNVs ( he n n i t hal a #2,  achi b o w -  Kerala, Assam, Goa, Karnataka) coun-
             top-ranked day and boarding private   l i  #5, H am  i r ur #7, E rn ak ul am     trywide prior to taking charge as prin-
             schools.                         #8, K an n ur #9, P i m  p l e , Pune #10,   cipal of JNV-B in 2019. Currently, this
                This  year,  1,027  SEC  (socio-eco-  C hi t t o o r  #11,  K ari m  n ag ar  #12,   class  VI-XII  fully  residential  school
             nomic category) ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ sample   P at han am  t hi t t a #13, Sam  as t i p ur   has 749 students and 48 teachers on
             respondents have voted a relatively   #15). A non-JNV entrant in the Top   its muster rolls.
             new  entrant  J aw ahar  N av o daya   10 is O di s ha Adars ha V i dyal aya,    Likewise  R . Dan i e l  R e t n ak u -
             V i dyal aya,  B ag al ur,  B an g al o re    P at harche p a,  B al an g i r,  promoted   m ar  principal of  aw ahar N av o da -
             U rb an  (estb.1992) India’s #1 (ranked   under the aegis of the Odisha Adar-  ya V i dyal aya,  G achi b o w l i ,  Ranga
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