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              To compile the 2021-22
              league table of dedicated
              special needs schools, C fore
              field personnel interviewed
              494 parents of children
              with disabilities and special
              needs educators in six cities.
              They were asked to rate
              special needs schools on ten
              parameters of education

                   ne of post-independence In-
                   dia’s greatest acts of omission
             Oaccording to author, scholar,
             historian  and  politician  Dr.  Shashi
             Tharoor,  MP,  is  neglect  of  primary   ASHA’s Ramesh (centre right): #1 rank elation
             education (see www.educationworld.
             in). But perhaps the greater collective   petence  of  faculty,  quality  of  pro-  ers  and  parents  across  Karnataka,”
             sin is neglect of children with physi-  gram,  rehabilitation,  co-curricular   says J ayas hre e  R am  e s h, a special
             cal  and  mental  disabilities  whose   education,  individual  attention  to   education postgrad of San Jose State
             number  nationwide  is  estimated   students,   leadership/management   University, USA, and founder-direc-
             at  20  million,  according  to  ADAPT   quality, safety and hygiene, infrastruc-  tor of ASHA which currently has 92
             (formerly Spastics Society of India).  ture provision and value for money.   students  and  36  teachers  including
                To right this egregious wrong since   Ranked #3 last year, the Acade m  y   seven therapists, on its muster rolls.
             2011,  Educ ationW orld  has  encour-  f o r Se v e re  H an di cap s   an d Au -  At  top  table,  T he  Adi t ya B i rl a
             aged mainstream K-12 schools to make   t i s m  ,  B e n g al uru (ASHA, estb.1995)   I n t e g rat e d  Scho o l ,  M  um  b ai
             better provision for children with spe-  is India’s #1 special needs school in   (TABIS, estb.2014) promoted by phi-
             cial needs (CWSN) by introducing the   2021-22. ASHA has been awarded top   lanthropist N e e rj a B i rl a,  is ranked
             parameter of special needs education   scores under the parameters of teach-  #2 (#1 in 2020-21) followed by Delhi’s
             (with a maximum score of 100) in the   er welfare and development, teacher   pioneer  T am  an a Aut i s m   C e n t re
             annual  EW  India  School  Rankings.   competence, quality of program and   (estb.1992) promoted by celebrated
             Subsequently in 2015, we introduced   individual  attention  to  students.  educationist Dr. Shayam  a C ho n a
             a dedicated league table ranking the   “This is wonderful news! Our hard   at  #3  (2).  SP J  Sadhan a Scho o l ,
             country’s best special needs schools.   work has paid off! Forced to switch to   M  um  b ai   #4  (4)  and  M  at a  B hag -
             Since then, the number of sufficient-  online learning last April, we provided   w an t i  C hadha N i k e t an  ( M  B C N ) ,
             ly  high  profile  special  schools  has   intensive digital technologies training   N o i da  #5  (5)  have  retained  their
             risen from 16 in 2015 to 28 in 2021.  to all our teachers, investing substan-  2020-21  rankings  with  San k al p ,
                To  compile  the  2021-22  league   tial time to design specific solutions   C he n n ai , making a great leap for-
             table of India’s Top 28 special needs   for the special needs and conditions of   ward into the Top 5 from #13 last year.
             schools, C fore field researchers in-  our children. Our teachers responded   The Top 10 table is completed by
             terviewed 446 parents and 48 special   enthusiastically and won us the day.   Al p ha t o  O m  e g a L e arn i n g  C e n -
             needs educators in six major cities.   We  hope  to  strengthen  our  online   t re ,  C he n n ai   (Alpha-2-Omega,
             They  were  asked  to  rate  and  rank   learning  competence  and  develop   estb. 1988) which has vaulted from
             special  schools  on  ten  parameters   new  ways  of  teaching-learning,  and   #23  last  year  to  an  impressive  #6
             of  education  excellence  —  teacher   continue providing training in English   this  year;  Sw e e k ar Acade m  y o f
             welfare  and  development,  com-  and  vernacular  languages  to  teach-  R e hab i l i t at i o n  Sci e n ce s , Se cun -

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