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awarded the highest score under the
parameter of curriculum and peda-
gogy (digital readiness) because since
March 2020, our teachers have suc-
cessfully conducted real-time online
classes through digital platforms
such as Google Meet and Zoom sup-
plemented with digital tools usage
like Augmented Reality and Google
Earth. Now KV-Pattom is a fully digi-
tal school with a virtual and audio
library, online karaoke and excellent
connectivity. Moreover, we have been
busy sanitising our campus to resume
on-campus classes from November 1,”
says Aj aya K um ar.
Although the number of state
government schools in the EW gov-
KV Pattom’s Ajaya Kumar (centre left): graceful concession ernment day schools league tables is
increasing, it’s noteworthy that the
555 students mentored by 50 teach- “It will help us identify the specific ar- Central government promoted and
ers on its muster rolls. eas of education excellence in which well-funded Kendriya Vidyalayas
Although the much acclaimed we are lagging. I am confident our continue to dominate the league table.
K V - P at t o m (estb.1964) has lost its teachers will strive hard to regain The nine KVs ranked in the 25-strong
2020-21 top rank, principal Aj aya the #1 position that we enjoyed from league table are good role models for
K um ar accepts this year’s sample 2015-2017 and 2020-21. We are es- state governments to emulate.
respondents’ verdict with good grace. pecially pleased that we have been Paromita Sengupta
Teachers aware of NEP 2020’s K-12 education reforms (%) EWIS R 2021- 22 T e n d s
No. of teachers interviewed 4000 39
1000 14
Metros Tier ll Tier lll & IV
Source: This trend analysis has been collated by slicing, dicing and interpreting data/responses of 11,458 parents,
senior teachers, principals and educators interviewed in 28 education hubs by the Delhi-based Centre for Forecasting
& Research (C fore) for the EducationWorld India School Rankings 2021-22 survey