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conferred a huge public benefit by countrywide were interviewed by 118
generating healthy competition be- C fore field researchers over a period
tween schools to strive for continuous of four months (June-September).
improvement under 14 parameters of For evaluating the Top 10 government
primary-secondary education excel- schools, SEC B-D parents were also in-
lence. Every school including the top terviewed.
ranked, has scope to improve under League tables of traditional/legacy
one parameter or another. Criticism boarding schools (co-ed, all boys, ex-
of the perceptions-based methodol- clusively girls), new genre interna-
ogy of EWISR is unwarranted. The tional schools (day, day-cum-boarding
facts and data-based methodology is and wholly residential) and budget
impossible in a large universe of 1.5 private schools will be published in
million schools. The rankings meth- our next (December 15) issue.
odologies utilised for evaluating a few Moreover in the year of the Covid
thousand universities cannot be used pandemic during which all schools
to rate and rank schools operating in countrywide were under government
a much larger universe,” says Mohin- Mohindra: huge public benefit imposed lockdown for over 60 weeks,
dra, whose firm was instrumental in two new parameters — ‘online educa-
establishing India’s first Internation- day schools divided into co-ed day, tion effectiveness’ and ‘mental and
al Baccalaureate (Geneva)-affiliated day-cum-boarding, all boys and girls emotional well-being services’ — have
school — the Mahindra United World schools; government day and board- been added replacing ‘international-
College, Pune (estb.1999) — and ing schools, and special needs schools ism’ and ‘sports education’. “In no
whose client list includes several na- in 351 cities and towns across India. country worldwide has such an exten-
tionally top-ranked schools. To compile EWISR 2021-22, 11,458 sive and comprehensive primary-sec-
Against this backdrop, in the pages sample respondents — educationists, ondary schools rankings survey been
following we present comprehensive principals, teachers, SECA (socio- undertaken,” says Premchand Palety,
league tables rating and ranking economic category A) parents and promoter-director of C fore who or-
an estimated 3,000 most respected senior school students — in 28 cities chestrated EWISR 2021-22.
Metro cities
Tier l, ll, lll & lV cities
(351 cities)
CENTA Test (112 cities)