Page 201 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 201

sports education, leadership and
             parental involvement, enabling it to
             become the first non-metro school to
             top the annual EWISR (estb.2007) in
             this category.
                “The top rank awarded to SAII in
             EWISR 2019-20 is a dream-come-
             true and proof of our dedication
             to continuous innovation in K-12
             education. National top rank is
             particularly satisfying because prior
             to promoting SAI International, I
             invested a decade — 1996-2006 —
             intensively studying best schools and
             best practices in school education
             around the world. After that for the
             past 12 years, we have been applying
             our learning and research to provide
             high quality 360 degree education to
             our students. Therefore, this year’s
             #1 national rank in the prestigious   Niru Agarwal (right): conducive environment commitment
             EWISR is the fulfilment of a long-
             cherished dream. It is the outcome   been promoted to #2 in India and   cent, enabling infrastructure. This
             of sustained hard work and deter-  #1 in Karnataka and Bangalore in   is indicative of the intense commit-
             mination of our 500-plus faculty   the competitive day-cum-boarding   ment of the GHS management to
             and equal number of support staff,   school league tables. “We accept   provide the best and most conducive
             as also the unstinted support of our   the evaluation of our school by your   teaching-learning environment to
             parents community to place Odisha   informed sample respondents with   our students,” adds Agarwal. Cur-
             on the education map of India and   humility and pride. The annual   rently, the CISCE-affiliated GHS has
             to build a better India,” says Dr.   EWISR survey is an inspiration for   an aggregate enrolment of 3,300
             Bijaya K. Sahoo, an alum of Utkal   us to continuously strive to reach   boys and girls mentored by 220
             University and highly-qualified cost   higher in the pursuit of excellence   teachers. Moreover, together with
             and chartered accountant who threw   in school education,” says Agarwal,   her husband, real estate tycoon
             up a successful accountancy practice   who takes special pride in the “grit   Bijay, Niru has promoted two other
             in favour of fulfilling his mission to   and determination” with which the   schools — Greenwood International
             place educationally under-served   school’s 220 teachers switched to   and Greenwood High which have
             Odisha (pop. 44 million) on the na-  digital online teaching following the   2,300 children and 240 teachers on
             tion’s education map.            outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic   their muster rolls. Collectively, the
                In this connection, it’s perti-  that forced the closure of schools   Greenwood schools have signifi-
             nent to note that apart from the   countrywide since mid-March.   cantly contributed to the transforma-
             top-ranked SAII, Sahoo has also     In the circumstances, Agarwal   tion of preschool to higher second-
             promoted the state-of-the-art SAI In-  is especially pleased with the high   ary environments in India’s Silicon
             ternational Residential School, Cut-  score awarded to GHS under the pa-  Valley city.
             tack (estb.2018), SAI Angan, billed   rameter of curriculum and pedagogy   This year’s Top 5 day-cum-
             as the largest pre-primary in India   (digital readiness) which has been   boarding schools’ league table also
             (estb.2015) and the SAI Internation-  given higher weightage (150) this   includes the superbly equipped
             al College of Commerce & Economics   year in light of the pandemic. “With   Emerald Heights International
             (estb.2015), all in Odisha.      the high quality academic facilita-  School, Indore, which has retained
                Niru Agarwal, an alumna of    tors (teachers) we have at GHS, it   its #2 ranking of 2018-19 and 2017-
             Tinsukia University and manag-   was easy for us to shift to a highly   18; the vintage Hyderabad Public
             ing trustee of the GreenWood     effective digital teaching-learning   School, Begumpet, which has
             High School, Bengaluru (GHS)     platform that is the envy of schools   steadily moved up the league table
             promoted from #3 in the previous   in this high-tech city. Right from the   from #9 in 2016-17 to #3 this year;
             two years to #2 in 2019-20, is also   start we resolved to spare no expense   Modern School, Barakhambha
             pleased that GHS (estb. 2004) has   in providing our students magnifi-  Rd, Delhi top-ranked in 2018-19

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