Page 202 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 202
but #3 this year; the low-profile Pal-
likoodam School, Kottayam at
#4 (#9 in 2018-19); Sanskaar Val-
ley School, Bhopal co-ranked #4
(4) and DPS, Vasant Kunj, Delhi
and DPS, Noida jointly ranked #5,
an improvement over their 2018-19
The steady rise in public esteem
of the Hyderabad Public School,
Begumpet (HPS-B) under the
leadership of its charismatic princi-
pal Skand Bali, who has brought
20 years of teaching and administra-
tive experience in the Army Public
School, Dagshai, Doon School, Deh-
radun, G.D. Goenka World School,
Gurgaon, is especially noteworthy.
HPS-B was ranked #9 in 2016-17, HPS-B’s Skand Bali: continuous teaching-learning improvement
#6 and #5 in the following two years
and #3 nationally, this year. excellence of the schools themselves pur which have leaped forward from
“All of us in HPS-B are thrilled or whether sample respondents are #14 and #15 in 2018-19 to be jointly
to learn that our school has been heavily influenced by the reputation ranked #8 this year.
ranked India’s #3 day-cum-boarding of the parent DPS brand which has “We are delighted to learn that
school by your knowledgeable been around for over 70 years. It is YPS-M is ranked India’s #8 day-
sample respondents. This is well- often contended that the good repu- cum-boarding school and #1 in
deserved recognition for our team tation of DPS schools in middle class Punjab. I believe this is recognition
which has worked tirelessly to con- India is heavily dependent upon the of continuous striving for all-round
tinuously improve teaching-learning tried and tested brand of the Delhi- education excellence by our teach-
standards, especially in the pandem- based DPS Society (estb.1949). ers and the entire YPS-M fraternity.
ic era. I am particularly pleased that Be that as it may, the Top 10 table We pride ourselves on our commit-
HPS-B has been awarded the highest is completed by the Yadavindra ment to excellence in all spheres
score under the parameter of special Public School, Mohali (YPS-M) — academics, co-curricular and
needs education. This is a subject and the Neerja Modi School, Jai- sports education — which has won
that doesn’t get much attention in
most schools. However in HPS-B, we YPS, Mohali’s Gen. Waraich: teamwork & discipline focus
strongly believe in inclusive educa-
tion and equal opportunity for all,”
says Bali, an alumnus of Panjab Uni-
versity who was appointed principal
of HPS-B in August 2017. Currently,
this vintage school promoted by
the erstwhile Nizam of Hyderabad
in 1923 on a 132-acre campus, has
3,500 boys and girls mentored by
165 teachers on its muster rolls.
Prominent alumni include Satya
Nadella, the US-based CEO of Mi-
The next three seats at the Top
10 table are awarded to three DPS
schools, evidently highly-regarded
by the sample respondents. But it’s
a moot point whether the high ranks
awarded to them are due to the