Page 203 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 203

us a good reputation for teamwork
             and leadership with dedication
             and discipline,” says Major Gen.
             T.P.S. Waraich, VSM & Bar (Retd),
             director of the CISCE-affiliated YPS-
             Mohali (estb.1979) which has 1,800
             students mentored by 110 teachers
             on its muster rolls.
               This sense of achievement and
             overdue recognition is also being ex-
             perienced by Indu Dubey, a geogra-
             phy and English postgrad of Benares
             Hindu University, and incumbent
             principal of the Neerja Modi
             School, Jaipur (NMS, estb.2001)
             co-ranked #8 in India and the top-
             ranked day-cum-boarding school in
             Rajasthan (pop.68 million).      Neerja Modi principal Indu Dubey: sustained improvement vow
               “The entire NMS community is
             elated that we are ranked among   Siliguri #13 (16); Sanjay Gho-  (pop. 50million).
             India’s Top 10 day-cum-boarding   dawat International, Kolhapur     Therefore especially when evalu-
             schools and #1 in Rajasthan. But   # 14 (17) and Sunbeam School,   ating day schools, parents should
             this recognition also brings with   Bhagwanpur, Varanasi #16      carefully study the ratings given by
             it the responsibility of sustained   (18). And it’s pertinent to note that   knowledgeable sample respondents
             improvement. Going forward, we   Sanjay Ghodawat, Kolhapur and    under each parameter in city league
             will continue to work with rigour and   Sunbeam, Varanasi are the top-  tables which are given separate pride
             commitment to deliver world-class   ranked day-cum-boarding schools   of place in EWISR 2020-21. School
             education to our students to trans-  in Maharashtra (pop.115 million)   managements should also compare
             form them into change makers and   and Uttar Pradesh (pop.215 million)   the ratings given by the knowledge-
             empathetic citizens of the future,”   respectively. Certainly not a trifling   able sample respondents under each
             vows Dubey, who attributes the   achievement.                     parameter to serve as a guide to con-
             great leap forward of NMS in EWISR   Indeed in this connection, it’s   tinuously advance under all param-
             2020-21 to its “student-centric phi-  important to bear in mind that   eters and improve institutional repu-
             losophy and willingness to adopt and   day-cum-boarding schools tend to   tation which if intelligently marketed
             implement best teaching practices   be predominantly day schools with   can attract best teachers, corporate
             that brings out the best in every   a minority of out-of-town boarders.   linkages and philanthropic donors
             student”.  Currently, NMS has 5,382   Therefore, although high national   and enable school managements to
             children mentored by 349 teachers   rank confers bragging rights, their   build endowment corpuses for insti-
             learning from home with “sensitiv-  city and state rankings are of greater   tutional development and grant of
             ity, efficiency and effectiveness” on a   relevance for rooted parents intent   scholarships to enrich student body
             “robust online platform installed on a   on choosing the most suitable school   diversity. This is a blindspot of Indian
             war- footing,” adds Dubey.       for their children.              education, especially the K-12 sector.
               Beyond the Top 10 table com-     As noted above in passing, a     Moreover, school managements
             pleted by the Ebenezer Interna-  substantial number of India’s Top   and stakeholders should also bear
             tional School, Bengaluru which   10 schools are numero uno in their   in mind that although the annual
             has risen four ranks to #10 this year   states and cities. Thus Royal Glob-  EWISR is the world’s largest and
             and DPS Nacharam, Hyderabad      al, Guwahati ranked #13 nationally   most detailed primary-secondary
             which has moved impressively from   is Assam’s #1 day-cum-boarding   schools ranking survey, it rates and
             #31 last year to #10 in 2020-21,   school and Geekay World School,   ranks only 2,500 of the country’s 1.5
             several other primary-secondaries   Vellore national #21 is the best day-  million schools including 450,000
             have risen in the esteem of the   cum-boarding school in the highly   privately-promoted primary-sec-
             informed public. Among them: DPS,   industrialised state of Tamil Nadu   ondaries. Therefore, mere inclusion
             Bhilai to #11 (cf. #21 in 2019-20);   (pop. 67 million). Ditto DPS, Vijay-  in the annual EWISR league tables,
             Apeejay, Noida #12 (19); Royal   awada ranked #22 nationally, is #1   is commendation and certificate of
             Global, Guwahati #13 (15), DPS,   in this category in Andhra Pradesh   distinction.

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