Page 69 - EducationWorld Oct 2021
P. 69
thinking that our IT industry does technology education in India? I am optimistic for several rea-
only low-end jobs. The plain truth is Our higher education institutions sons. For one, alumni of our IITs,
that Indian IT companies are execut- have to go a long way, no doubt, but IIITs, NITs have been successful in
ing projects along the entire length our investments in higher education nurturing a large number of unicorn
of the value chain. It’s not so well are minuscule. I taught at Rutgers companies — 24 this year alone. Sec-
known that 60-65 percent of bank University, USA, a large university ondly, the National Education Policy
accounts worldwide are serviced by with 85,000 students and an annual (NEP) 2020 is serious about improv-
software designed by Infosys, TCS budget of $4.2 billion. Likewise, MIT ing higher education and the govern-
and I-Flex (acquired by Oracle). which has just 10,000 students has a ment is taking it seriously. Unlike
Five of the 200 original apps in the budget of $2 billion. previous educational policies it is not
Apple Store during its launch, were Against this, the annual budgets collecting dust, it is actually getting
designed by an Indian company — of all IITs and IIITs put together implemented. Third, India’s position
Robosoft from Udupi, a tiny town in would be around $1 billion. We are in the overall comity of nations has
coastal Karnataka. still a very poor country, and our also improved dramatically. Foreign
Moreover, it’s important to re- investment in higher education is perceptions about India and capabili-
member that compared to American much smaller. Moreover, some of ties of Indian engineers, doctors and
corporates, Indian companies were the parameters used by international business professionals have changed
late entrants into the IT industry. In ranking agencies such as number of dramatically.
the next 20 years, you will witness international students, faculty-stu- Because of this, I expect greater
our companies doing much more dent ratio and academic reputation investment inflow into higher educa-
high-end work. In short, India’s IT place our universities at a disadvan- tion. Investment in R&D is increas-
companies are executing projects tage. If we go by citations alone, IIT- ing and alumni of IITs, IIITs and
across the spectrum, including high- Delhi is near the median, surpassing NITs are pouring money into their
end. many global universities as pointed alma maters. The survival for over 20
out by IIT-D’s Prof. Ramagopal Rao years of EducationWorld, a unique
None of India’s science and technol- in an FB post last month. publication in Asia focused on educa-
ogy HEIs (higher education institutions) tion upgradation and improvement
is ranked among the Top 100 of the India has had a bad history of neglecting across the spectrum, is also another
authoritative London-based agencies QS human capital development. How optimis- important development. All this put
or Times Higher Education. How satisfied tic are you that we can transform into a together makes me optimistic about
are you with the quality of science and major economic superpower by 2050? the future.