Page 67 - EducationWorld Oct 2021
P. 67


             Life Journey of School

             Management Software

                  he concept of school management   behind why schools are unable to implement
                  software or a school ERP  was there   such powerful pieces of technology.
             Tfor years. However, what has changed   After building SchoolPad’s online school
             for the better is its deployment from offline to   management software in 2013 and working   Abhiraj
                                                                                               CEO & Co-Founder
             online.                          on the pilot version with a handful of schools,
               School management software started as   the first thing we did to address this problem
             an offline software. These were installed   was to set up a team of expert coaches who   It isn’t necessary that you have all of them
             on computers/ laptops and used by only a   worked closely with schools to help them   ready at this point, but the ones used regularly
             handful of people in the daily routine of school   implement SchoolPad.   should be implemented first. For example, on
             operation. A data entry operator would use it   They didn’t just extend their support but   the 1st of every month, your school prints and
             for maintaining daily records, or a front desk   nurtured them into advanced users. And that   shares a fee bill with parents in a particular
             staff member would use it for routine work,   nurturing is what we figured out was the real   format along with the payment details, so that
             or it would help manage students’ records.   answer to this problem.   they can make their fee payments in time.
             Someone from the accounts team would   Implementation of school management   If they don’t do it by the 10th of the month,
             take its help for maintaining fee entries and   software across different departments of a   they have to pay a fine of Rs. 10 per day as
             generating reports. Marks entries would   school is a journey but starting the journey   mentioned on the fee bill.
             be done by a data entry operator/computer   right is one of the most essential activities   Roles and accessibility permissions
             teacher to create report cards and print them   required by schools to get the implementation   Once you’ve picked up the right software
             out. That was more or less it.   going in the right direction.    and started implementing it with a process
               The offline school management software                          document, this becomes the most crucial step.
             was a big hit as it helped schools manage   Triggers for adopting school management   I see this missing in most school management
             their internal management tasks more   software                   software implementations. After creating
             efficiently and accurately.        This is one of the most fundamental   the process document, it is also essential to
               However, with the passage of time, the   steps that set up the stage for successful   mention the people involved at each step of
             school management software has matured   implementation of your school management   the process and their work. With this, schools
             from offline, on-premise software to online   software. You might require school   can easily map these staff members on the
             school management software.      management software for everything that it   software, giving them access to the features
               Teachers, students, parents and other   has to offer, but think about it a little deeper;   they have to work on to accomplish their work.
             staff members across different departments   there must be a handful of requirements or   Health checkups and monitoring
             have access to the software, and they could   triggers that pushed you to decide on going   Once all of the above steps are in place
             use it to manage their work from anywhere   ahead and implementing school management   and the implementation has started, the only
             and at any given time. The combination of   software for your school. Make a note of these   way you can validate the success of your
             communication- collaboration-features and   and keep them handy.   implementation and ensure that it is helping
             powerful-internal- management-features   Evaluating the software against the   your school and the associated staff members
             made it a perfect platform for schools to keep   triggers         achieve their desired outcomes is through
             up with the times.                 Once you have your triggers documented,   regular monitoring. Make sure you generate
               Its capability to connect all stakeholders   try to validate them during your shortlisting   specific, actionable reports and make people
             and keep them involved and informed made   process by actually simulating them on the   responsible for monitoring these reports to
             it a superpower for the schools. This matured   software or ask the software team to simulate   check the usage insights and correctness of
             and seasoned school management software   it for you during the evaluation process. It isn’t   the data. Keep this practice going till the time
             is what we see and use today in our schools.   necessary to try them all but maybe a few or   you see stability in the usage patterns and the
               Though the school management softwares   just a couple of them. For example: one of   desired outcomes being achieved regularly.
             have gained traction with the schools but   your triggers is that you need to take your fee   No short term investment
             unfortunately, many schools that invest in   payment option online so that parents can   School management software is not a
             this superpower are not able to use it well or   pay their fee online as a lot of them have been   short term investment. It works like fuel for
             do not use it at all. They keep it as a regular   asking for it. Validate this and see it in action   your engine of systems running inside the
             ‘software’ to add to the portfolio of technology   during your shortlisting process.  school, which are responsible for running your
             tools used by the school.        Processes & Systems              school and helping it grow. Spending time
             Right implementation               Once you have shortlisted your school   and making a conscious effort will help you
               Involved in the school management   management software and are ready to start   implement and run your school management
             software space for the past decade ten years,   with the implementation, make sure you have   software and make it a superpower for your
             I’ve always been curious to find the reasons   a document of your processes and systems.   school’s growth.

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