Page 72 - EducationWorld Oct 2021
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             to its aspiration to earn   plete account which is now
             global respect because as   available to a non-Pukhto   THE FRONTIER GANDHI: MY
             he takes pains to highlight,   knowing readership.   LIFE & STRUGGLE
             China never has been an    Bacha Khan is remem-      Translated from the original
             expansionist power eager   bered by different names.    Pukhto by Imtiaz Ahmad
             to mould the world in its    For Gandhians, he was the   Sahibzada
             image.                   iconic ‘Frontier Gandhi’.    ROLI BOOKS; Rs.695  Pages 576
                Although there’s no   In his native region and in
             guarantee that 21st century   Pakistan, generally he is
             China is as disinterested   Bacha Khan. After release
             as it was about establish-  from his first stint in jail,   of the authorities in what   In Afghanistan, and
             ing its footprint around   he was called Fakhr-e-  was the most securitised   especially among
             the world, in this work of   Afghan, and that name too   region of colonial India,   the Pashtuns, he
             deep research and brilliant   has stuck in Pakistan and   concerned about anything   remains a revered
             reasoning, Mahbubani     Afghanistan. For Indians,   new disturbing their   figure even as armed
             provides a compelling    he is Badshah Khan. This   enforced calm among    conflict defines the
             vision of a stable new   autobiography, much      tribes of the frontier.    country’s politics
             world order emerging after   like Gandhi’s My Experi-  Khan’s social activism led
             America’s debacle in Af-  ments with Truth, has the   inevitably to protest which
             ghanistan and retreat into   endearing quality of sim-  led to politics, and finally   In this memoir, Bacha
             relative isolationism. It’s   plicity and honesty that   to nationalist politics.  His   Khan’s faith shines
             an indicator of disinterest   comes through and speaks   cadre of social workers —   through and its enlight-
             in foreign affairs of Indian   directly to the reader.   the Khudai Khidmatgar   ened common sense can-
             media and establishment    Among Pathans, Bacha   — thus became a political   not fail to strike a chord:
             that this excellent treatise   Khan is and will remain,   force winning elections   “If progress and prosperity
             hasn’t received traction in   a legend and his political   under the 1935 GOI Act,   could be attained merely
             India, currently confronted   legacy remains very much   and thereafter again in   through prayers and giv-
             with its own bilateral   alive to this day. Thus the   1946 and forming the gov-  ing alms, why would our
             Chinese challenge in Aksai   book has an endorsement   ernment in the North West   dear Prophet (PBUH) have
             Chin and the north-east.   by Malala Yousafzai that   Frontier Province.    struggled so much and
             We don’t seem to have    his message remains an     Bacha Khan himself    undergone so much hard-
             learned any lessons from   inspiration for her activ-  was personally indifferent   ship for what he believed
             the lightning fast rise of   ism for girls education and   to the spoils of office and   in... the fact is that prayer
             modern China into a global   women’s empowerment.  much like Gandhi, deeply   without action is unaccept-
             hegemon. A big price will   My Life and Struggle   ambivalent about State   able to God,” he writes.
             have to be paid for this   takes us through the   power bringing about real   Religion, as in the case
             failure and neglect.                   details of Bacha Khan’s   change. A close personal   of Mahatma Gandhi, was
                       DILIP THAKORE  early life, beginning with   relationship with Mahat-  intrinsic to Bacha Khan’s
                                      his rising frustration about   ma Gandhi became very   political life and activ-
             Forgotten                Pashtun social and educa-  visible in 1930-40, and in   ism and although it was a
                                                               1947 amidst Partition and
                                                                                       deep and uncompromising
                                      tional backwardness, and
             Frontier Gandhi          lack of unity. This was cen-  massacre, the two occu-  faith, it was never parochi-
                                      tral to his activism and the
                                                                                       al. To him, a life according
                                                               pied a narrow crumbling
                                      autobiography brings out   ledge and remained stead-  to the sharia is one with-
                   HIS IS AN autobi-  the frictions it generated   fast to their ideals. What   out superstition, prejudice,
                   ography of Khan    with local maulvis and   was striking about Bacha   retrograde social customs
             TAbdul Ghaffar           other status quoists such   Khan was his grafting the   and significantly, one in
             (Bacha) Khan based on a   as maliks or headmen,   virtue of non-violence   which women have rights
             1983 text written by him   who saw superstition and   among the Pashtun — rais-  otherwise denied to them.
             in Pukhto. An earlier 1969   custom as integral to pre-  ing in the process their   In Bacha Khan’s case, as in
             account, also translated   serving the existing order   self-esteem as also eroding   Mahatma Gandhi’s, one’s
             and published in English,   and pride in their identity   the stereotype, which nev-  faith is not exclusionary
             was deemed incomplete by   and privileges. Inevitably,   ertheless endures up to the   and there was no contra-
             Bacha Khan and he there-  this meant Bacha Khan   present day, of their pre-  diction between one faith
             fore wrote a more com-   incurred the displeasure   disposition to violence.  and another. Through the

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