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             FAILED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT RUMINATIONS                            surance regulatory authorities.
                                                                                 Moreover it’s critically important
                                                                               that the judicial system is also thor-
                  he silver lining of the  prolonged   Honest reflection makes it abun-  oughly overhauled and empowered
                  lockdown of industry, business   dantly clear that adoption of the   to ensure timely enforceability of
             Tand normative life in over a doz-  State  dominated socialist economic   contracts, a prerequisite of economic
             en of India’s 29 states to prevent the   development model was a grievous   growth. Over 275 Law Commission re-
             spread and transmission of the dead-  error from which a complete U-turn   ports to reform the justice system and
             ly Coronavirus pandemic rampaging   is overdue and necessary. The whole   especially some that recommend that
             across the country, is that it has pro-  cargo of industry regulation and con-  written pleadings should be the rule
             vided all good men (man embraces   trols needs to be jettisoned for the   rather than exception, need urgent
             woman) and true, with time to deeply   economy to record double digit GDP   implementation.
             reflect upon why post-independence   annual growth rates during the next   India’s ancient texts on the art of
             India’s high-potential national devel-  decade. There’s urgent necessity to   governance including the Arthashas-
             opment project, is a comprehensive   revive the ancient tradition of govern-  tra recommended that kings should
             failure.                         ment restricting itself to governance   govern, businessmen should prosper,
                The evidence that it has gone bust   and administration. Wealth genera-  pay taxes and enrich the treasury to
             is overwhelming. Over 300 million   tion, necessary for national develop-  enable kings to invest in public wel-
             adult citizens are illiterate; the daily   ment, is best left to industry leaders   fare — education, health and infra-
             income of 68 percent of contemporary   and businessmen who by definition   structure. Post-independence India’s
             India’s 260 million households is less   are best qualified to optimally mobil-  failure to respect this development
             than $2 per day which means that over   ise and convert factors of production   prescription written and practised in
             880 million citizens are severely de-  (land, labour capital) into successful,   an era when the subcontinent was a
             prived of food, clothing and shelter.  self-sustaining and employment gen-  global power has been vividly exposed
                Pervasive deprivation of the basics   erating business enterprises.   by the current Covid pandemic. Ad-
             of civilised existence is compounded   Admittedly, industry needs to be   mittedly this ancient, organic pre-
             by rock-bottom learning outcomes   regulated to preclude monopolies and   scription is simple. But for orderly
             in the country’s 1.20 million public   cartelisation. But this is best done by   governance and modest prosperity for
             schools and — as highlighted by the   independent, sufficiently empowered   India’s billion-plus cruelly betrayed
             heavy toll of the pandemic — a hope-  regulatory agencies such as the Com-  citizens, simplicity and transparency
             lessly inadequate public health system.   petition Commission, telecom and in-  are necessary virtues.

             PRIME MINISTER MUST STOOP TO CONQUER                              water reserves of north India’s farm-
                                                                               lands have become severely depleted.
                                                                               In short the newly enacted farm laws
                  he  sustained  protest  of mil-  the Essential Commodities (Amend-  serve the broad public interest.
                  lions of farmers on the borders   ment) Act, 2020.             Nevertheless the unprecedented,
             Tof Delhi completed six months     Now in the heyday of the digital     prolonged  mass  protest  of  farmers
             on May 26, observed by the protes-  communication revolution with the   from the breadbasket states against
             tors as Black Flag day. Although this   entire country provided real-time   the farm laws deserves patient hear-
             continuous agitation of farmers of   telecom connectivity, paternalistic   ing to ameliorate the pain points of
             Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar   laws and regulations prohibiting con-  the legislation. Undoubtedly, the pro-
             Pradesh who produce 60 percent of     tract farming and farm gate purchases   cess of enacting the impugned laws
             the country’s foodgrains no longer   with  farmers being obliged to auction     through a hurried voice vote while
             makes media headlines, protesting   horticulture produce in state govern-  the opposition had walked out of that
             farmers grouped under the banner of   ment controlled APMCs (Agriculture   parliamentary session, is a good argu-
             the Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) ex-  Produce Marketing Committees) have     ment for repealing and re-enacting the
             hibit no signs of relenting until their   outlived their  purpose. It’s high time   three farm laws after due deliberation
             demand for the revocation of three ag-  India became a common market for   and parliamentary debate. Especially
             riculture reform Acts hurriedly passed   agriculture produce with farmers free   since the Central government has con-
             by Parliament in September last year,   to sell their produce to anyone, any-  ceded the demand for minimum sup-
             is met.                          where countrywide, at best available   port prices and has also agreed to hold
                On  the  other  hand,  the  BJP-led   prices.                  the laws in abeyance for 18 months.
             NDA government, which is deter-    Moreover the Central govern-     Quite clearly this protracted face-
             mined to liberalise trade in agriculture   ment’s minimum support price sys-  off in Delhi NCR is a test of wills and
             commodities and produce, is hell-bent   tem for wheat and rice, plus free elec-  battle of egos. Although the agitating
             on enforcing the three Acts, viz, Farm-  tricity provided by state governments   farmers don’t have a strong case, the
             ers’  Produce  Trade  and  Commerce   has resulted in over-production and     national interest would be best served
             (Promotion and Facilitation) Act,   foodgrain mountains of the public   if the Centre and prime minister Modi
             2020; the Farmers Empowerment and   sector FCI (Food Corporation of In-  repeal and re-enact these laws follow-
             Protection Agreement on Price Assur-  dia) of which 20 percent is consumed   ing detailed debate in Parliament. The
             ance and Farm Services Act 2020 and   by rodents. Simultaneously ground-  prime minister must stoop to conquer.

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