Page 26 - EW June 2021 Low Res
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of flexible learning, rich content, community involvement
ll ecosystems require balance in order to function
and more. The Connected Learning Community approach
successfully. Each element and party within the
is not a single entity or product, but a series of architected
system has a role to play and through this will
A influence the sum of the parts that represent the frameworks, global standards, and best practices. The fol-
lowing outlines this framework for improving the learn-
learning process. Keeping such an ecosystem in balance ing ecosystem, including learning, teaching, parenting and
requires key partnership commitments between schools, administration scenarios made possible when applying this
educational institutions, students, parents, and government framework, and the design objectives for making this po-
tential real.
agencies in order to sustain a long-term environment.
Within the ecosystem, access to appropriate and reliable A Framework for Improving the Learning Ecosystem
information is crucial so that stakeholders in all parts of the Although specific products such as hardware and
system can make informed decisions and take appropri-
ate action. The ecosystem must also address the time and software come and go over time, the fabric that binds a
cost dimensions in automation and the streamlining of key learning ecosystem must endure through successive
tasks, and allow an evolutionary approach to cost manage- generations. This fabric must also be sensitive to change in
ment. The notion of connected learning today and in the such a way that it is capable of progressive improvement
future also must consider the challenges of changing social without the need for expensive, large-scale replacement in
and political pressures in a world of constant technological future years.
innovation and improvement.
The Connected Learning Community Approach enables Engineering such an ecosystem requires processes,
such an ecosystem. The Connected Learning Community standards and a range of technology and architecture that
is a vision for a world that encourages lifelong learning. It map directly into learning activities.
removes time and space constraints and enables a world