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Education Briefs
iSchool Connect pandemic tomorrow,” said Prajodh Rajan, co- (NHSRE).
“Real estate is one of the fastest
offer founder and group CEO, Lighthouse growing sectors contributing 7 per-
Learning, announcing the company’s
MuMbai, May 12. iSchoolConnect Inc, a new identity. cent of India’s GDP. It employs nearly
US and India based AI (artificial intel- The newly christened company 15 percent of the national workforce.
ligence) company, launched a series of provides high quality preschool to Therefore, it is critically important to
products for education institutions to class XII education in institutions create a human resources pool for this
assist them in their battle against the grouped under its portfolio of brands, industry. Our long-standing associa-
Covid-19 pandemic. i.e, EuroKids, Kangaroo Kids, EuroS- tion with the leading real estate and
“After almost three years of effort, chool, Billabong High International, housing finance companies, private
we have developed a suite of tools cat- and the Bengaluru-based Cambridge banks, architects, civil and structural
egorised under four primary verticals, Public School. engineering firms will enable us to
viz, recruitment, sales/marketing, as- design excellent curriculums and pro-
sessment, and engagement. These MAHE-UBC pact vide internships and apprenticeships
tools will help education institutions during the programme and place-
scale their business and automate bengaluru, May 11. The top-ranked ments after graduation,” says Dr.
operational processes. Because of the Manipal Academy of Higher Educa- Niranjan Hiranandani, provost
pandemic we will provide these digi- tion (MAHE) and University of British of HSNC University and founder of
tal tools at zero-cost for the next three Columbia (UBC) signed a partnership NHSRE.
months. I hope these products will as- agreement to broaden and deepen
sist education institutions worldwide academic and research collaboration Centre of Excellence for
to overcome the disruptions and dif- between India and Canada. Research
ficulties caused by the pandemic,” said scholars of these universities will col- Capital Markets
Ashish Fernando, founder-CEO of laborate to address issues outlined in
iSchoolConnect, speaking on the oc- the 17 Sustainable Development Goals MuMbai, May 19. Mumbai-based NSE
casion (SDGs) of the United Nations. Academy Ltd (NAL), a wholly owned
According to Fernando, these prod- Designated an Institution of Emi- subsidiary of the National Stock Ex-
ucts will enable education institutions nence by the Central government, change (NSE), has signed an MoU
to resolve problems ranging from as- MAHE has an excellent research re- (memorandum of understanding)
sisting high school counselors/advi- cord in drug discovery, diabetes and with Bharathiar University (BU), Co-
sors to guide students make better hypertension, personalised medicine, imbatore to establish a Centre of Ex-
career decisions, to helping graduate infectious diseases, climate change, cellence for Capital Markets (CECM).
and undergraduate students prepare energy, artificial intelligence and ma- The prime objective of CECM is to
for job interviews. chine learning. UBC is renowned for enable faculty at Bharathiar University
excellence in health and medical sci- and affiliated colleges to enhance their
EuroKids new avatar ences including global health and en- domain knowledge of financial servic-
vironmental issues.
es. Under the terms of the agreement,
MuMbai, May 24. The Mumbai-based “This relationship with UBC will NAL will work with the university to
EuroKids International, which owns promote collaborative action and re- develop an industry-needs aligned
and/or franchises 1,200 preschools search opportunities involving stu- curriculum. CECM will also initiate
and 38 K-12 schools with an aggre- dents, academics and researchers regular interaction between BU and
gate enrolment of 150,000 children from both institutions. It will result in India Inc leaders and managers.
and was recently acquired by the US- a vibrant academic partnership,” said “Dissemination of financial literacy
based global investment firm KKR, Lt. General (Retd.) Dr. M.D. Ven- is a major objective of NAL. There is
has a new corporate identity, viz, katesh, vice chancellor of MAHE, great need for people to learn more
Lighthouse Learning Pvt. Ltd. speaking on the occasion. about the capital market. NSE/NAL
“As we focus on a newly-emerged have been playing a pivotal role by
era we are embracing change in the Real estate MBA developing technology and tools, and
form of a new identity. Lighthouse a learning platform for this purpose.
Learning will serve as a beacon in set- MuMbai, May 21. HSNC University, This association between NAL and BU
ting new standards in education and Mumbai, has introduced a two-year will catalyse a significant change in the
driving new strategic initiatives for MBA programme to prepare gradu- education space and provide learners
the organisation. Like a lighthouse, ates for careers in the real estate busi- with high quality content and specific
we will strive to guide our students ness under guidance of the Niranjan skills,” said Hari K, chief business of-
towards becoming change-makers of Hiranandani School of Real Estate ficer, NSE, speaking on the occasion.