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Education News

                In  effect,  because  of  chronic  under-investment  in   THEY SAID IT IN MAY
             public education and teacher training, for-profit coach-
             ing centres large and small have emerged as informal   “For the sangh parivar, faith and bigotry take
             parallel primary-secondary schools and colleges. Now   precedence over reason and science. In acting
             with the pandemic having forced the prolonged closure of   as he does, Narendra Modi only reflects the
             schools and cancellation of highly competitive board and   narrow-mindedness of his own ideological
             college entrance exams, India’s estimated 65,000 coach-  upbringing.”
             ing schools have lost their sheen and only the fittest with
             staying power and technology will survive.          Ramchandra Guha, historian, on how the BJP’s
                                                                 hindutva irrationality has made India’s war on
                                   Reshma Ravishanker (Bengaluru)
                                                                 Covid-19 more difficult (Scroll, May 23)
               TAMIL NADU                                        “The pandemic has accelerated our world into
             Shaky foundations fear                              a new era. It has forever impacted our world.

                                                                 It has forever influenced our perspective and
                   he continuing closure of all schools and higher   if we weren’t clear before, we know now: Our
                   education institutions nationwide to safeguard   world is interconnected. Our world is interde-
             Tchildren from being struck down by the dreaded     pendent, and our world is fragile,”
             Coronavirus, has prompted an almost 70 percent drop   Kamala Harris, US vice president (New Indian Express,
             in pre-primary admissions in nearly 3,000 aided and   May 28)
             12,000 unaided private schools across Tamil Nadu
             (pop.68 million). According to a survey conducted by   “Let us have a universal, free vaccination
             the Tamil Nadu Nursery Primary Matriculation Higher   policy to save the nation from Covid. I have
             Secondary and CBSE Schools Association, in the aca-  suffered a lot. I don’t want my fellow citizens
             demic year 2020-21 pre-primary admissions aggregated   to suffer even a fraction of what I have done,
             6.3 lakh, plus 1.2 lakh poor children admitted under s.12   and certainly not to do worse than me as so
             (1) (c) of the Right of Children to Free & Compulsory   many have, as the tragedy unfolded in the
             Education (RTE) Act, 2009. In the current academic   country.”
             year which commences in mid-June, preschool admis-
             sions have totalled a mere 2.5 lakh.                Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament, in a video
                                                                 message from Covid sickbed commenting on the
                Usually in May, there is a rush for preschool admis-  BJP government’s vaccines policy (June 2)
             sions with top-ranked pre-primaries closing the admis-
             sion process by the second week of the month. However,
             this year most schools have kept the admission window   “After considering all the valuable inputs and
             open till the time of writing this report. Many of them   suggestions, the honourable Prime Minister
             having slashed admission and tuition fees to fill capacity.    decided to cancel the CBSE class 12 board
                                       “For this academic year   exams. This is a student-centric decision, and
                                   2021-22, we have reduced      I am sure that it will benefit our students in
                                   the annual fee for LKG        the future.”
                                   (lower kindergarten) and      Ramesh Pokhriyal, Union education minister (India
                                   UKG from Rs.30,000 to         Today, June 3)
                                   Rs.20,000. Despite this, we
                                   have filled only one against   “CBSE should learn from international cur-
                                   the four-five pre-primary     riculums to build institutional strength to
                                   classes we fill normally.     develop valid and reliable around the year
                                   Although the usual number
                                   of parents have collected     assessments as against one final exam. It
             Priyanka Nandhakumar  application forms, they have   should now use this crisis as an excuse to
                                   not formally admitted their   drive systemic accountability for internal and
             children. Most are waiting for in-school classes to com-  alternative assessments across its schools.
             mence once the Covid situation improves and schools   After all, life can’t be dictated by a three-hour
             reopen. A minority have preferred to give their chil-  exam.”
             dren homeschooling because of the widespread belief   Vishnu Karthik, CEO, Heritage Xperiential School,
             that youngest children can’t learn in the online mode,”   Gurugram (Financial Express, June 4)
             says Priyanka Nandhakumar, secretary of the Sri

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