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Education News

             from neighbouring Bangladesh, in-                                       promote 100 government
             cumbent chief minister and leader of                                    English-medium schools and
             the ruling Trinamool Congress party                                     the first of them with 160
             (TMC) Mamata Banerjee, cam-                                             students was inaugurated in
             paigning for an unprecedented third                                     February 2019 in Kolkata.
             consecutive term in office, gave high                                     Quite clearly, the state’s
             importance to education reforms and                                     electorate and influential
             upgradation in her election rallies.                                    middle class in particular,
                TMC’s communal harmony and                                           are dismayed that West
             socio-economic development strat-                                       Bengal’s education system,
             egy paid off handsomely. On May 5,                                      arguably the best in India un-
             Banerjee was sworn in as chief min-                                     til the beginning and end of
             ister of West Bengal (pop.91 million)                                   prolonged Communist rule a
             for the third time after TMC swept                                      decade ago, has been reduced
             the legislative assembly election win-  Banerjee: unprecedented third term  to pathetic condition. Within
             ning 213 of 294 seats, two more than                                    the state’s dwindling intelli-
             in 2016. The high riding BJP which   mother tongue.               gentsia, there’s an emerging consen-
             was confident of winning over 200   t is pertinent to note that West   sus that the higher education system
             seats was restricted to 77.      IBengal has witnessed fierce debate   thoroughly infiltrated by under-
                While postmortems of political   over medium of instruction in   qualified CPM fellow travellers needs
             pundits and analysts indicate that   primary years since the CPM (Com-  urgent upgradation to produce well-
             the TMC government’s welfare     munist Party of India-Marxist)-led   qualified school teachers and faculty
             schemes, ‘Bengali sub-nationalism’   Left Front government that ruled   for higher ed institutions.
             and minority votes consolidation,   (and ruined) the state for 34 years   “It might be wise, therefore, to
             played a major role in this historic   (1977-2011) uninterruptedly, banned   supplement this ground-level task
             win, they concede that Banerjee’s   teaching of English in all government   with the shoring up of every higher
             education reform initiatives were   schools. The rationale of this ban was   education institute in the state. The
             also a significant factor behind the   to reduce the rate of school dropouts   minister for education does not
             party’s landslide victory.       in rural areas, which experts in the   need telling, certainly, that however
                Unlike BJP and northern politi-  party ascribed to aversion of English.  depleted West Bengal may seem in
             cians who seldom bother to include    That decision, however, proved   terms of its former glory, enough
             reform of the country’s languishing   counter-productive in the course of   survives that could still be put to use.
             school and higher education systems   time as widespread English language   World-class academics, scholars,
             in their rabble-rousing election cam-  deficiency led to two generations   researchers and teachers still popu-
             paign speeches, Banerjee’s education   of students driving down higher   late the higher echelons of educa-
             reform agenda evidently struck a   education standards and millions of   tion in the city — all that is needed
             resonant chord with West Bengal’s   Bengal’s youth failing competitive   is an unbiased, non-partisan, and
             electorate, particularly the bhadral-  national examinations. With the Left   wholehearted commitment from the
             ok (refined middle class). Unsurpris-  Front government also de-industri-  government for them to function to
             ingly, following the very first meeting   alising Bengal through aggressive   their full potential,” wrote Rosinka
             of the new Cabinet on May 10, she   trade unionism, youth from English-  Chaudhuri, director and profes-
             announced her government’s intent   medium private schools fled the state   sor at Centre for Studies in Social
             to establish English-medium govern-  in millions in search of employment   Sciences, Kolkata, in The Telegraph
             ment schools in all 341 administra-  in other states.             (May 26).
             tive blocks of West Bengal.        To her credit, Banerjee started   It is often said that what Bengal
                Political pundits interpret this as   course correcting the state’s disas-  thinks today, India thinks tomor-
             an astute anti-BJP strategy to project   trous language policy from the start   row. By reiterating education reform
             Banerjee as a national leader and   of her second term as chief minis-  and rejuvenation — a subject hardly
             BJP as a ‘Hindi, Hindu and hindu-  ter. In 2018, the TMC government   mentioned by most politicians — Ba-
             tva’ party. Despite several Supreme   promulgated a two-medium policy   nerjee may well have awoken other
             Court judgements and fierce op-  in select government schools, with   political parties to its importance,
             position from the southern states,   students given the option to enroll   and in the process improved her cre-
             the BJP’s National Education Policy   in English-medium classes. The next   dentials as a progressive, nationally
             (NEP) 2020 proposes primary edu-  year in the run-up to the assembly   acceptable leader.
             cation solely in the Hindi medium or   elections of 2021, she promised to   Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)

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