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Calendaring/Scheduling Web sites. A content management system will provide the
Provides access to individual and group calendars, tools to minimize publishing time in order to spend more
delegated administration for calendars, and scheduling time fostering learning in the learning ecosystem.
of individual time and resources. Calendaring services
should also provide access to calendar information (such School Business Intelligence Services
as free/busy time) in a flexible fashion, enabling the The school business intelligence services are consumers
secure and reliable sharing of calendar information with of the data stored in the various school information systems.
other systems. Through automated analysis techniques, these services
generate reports on various aspects of student, teacher, and
Presence school performance. School business intelligence services
A robust presence service provides information about enable the various stakeholders to have the necessary
users’ online status. The presence service needs to information to make informed decisions. Furthermore,
respect an individual’s right to privacy by enabling them the school business intelligence services are consumed by
to control who can see their presence and by overriding the various education spaces used by teachers, students,
their default presence status. parents, and administrators - making it easy for the various
stakeholders to identify an issue, take action, and then
Real-time Communication and Collaboration measure the impact of that action.
Includes services such as instant messaging (including These building blocks create the framework for an
computer to mobile phone), chat, virtual classrooms, effective and comprehensive learning system, the Connected
shared whiteboards, application sharing, video/Web Learning Community in which students, teachers, parents,
conferencing, and audio conferencing (including and administrators benefit from the flexibility and
computer to computer, computer to phone, and phone connectedness of anywhere, anytime learning.
to phone).
Digital Transformation - The Connected Learning
Video/Web Conferencing Community Approach
Includes scheduling of resources such as network Today’s learning faces many barriers, including social,
bandwidth and optimized routing for resource- economic and technology constraints. Yet technology can
constrained networks. The scheduling of people and effectively address these challenges.
physical resources should be coordinated with the In order for technology to improve education, schools
calendaring/scheduling service. must consider the total environment and fully understand
the learning ecosystem. Barriers
Real-time and On-demand Information Delivery present in the ecosystem must
Includes reliable and secure transmission in network- be illuminated and appropriate
efficient matters enabling users to view live presentations technology-based solutions must
and review them later in an on-demand fashion. be applied to overcome those
barriers and thereby assist
Notifications educational organizations in
The notifications fabric is responsible for the secure achieving their goals.
and reliable delivery of information to users based on Schools today require
their user profile and presence status. The notifications flexible and cost-effective
fabric is a consumer of profile information and presence growth, including the use of
service (is the user online) so that information can be existing technology. Learning
securely delivered to the user according to business logic ecosystem must be agile,
determined by the user. The notifications fabric should be capable of changing
robust to handle delivery of information through e-mail, and growing as new
posting to a user’s workspace, SMS messages to mobile innovations occur in
phones, delivery of information to an ordinary phone, teaching-learning,
and even delivery through fax or surface mail if necessary. technology.
Envision a
Content Management community of
All parties in the learning ecosystem will need to create, learning for teachers,
publish, and manage their own Web content by means of parents, students, and
familiar tools such as Web browsers and office productivity administrators.
suites. They will require easy-to-use tools that enable them ROSHINI KUMAR
to create and publish rich, personalized content directly to Thought Leader - Digital Transformation