Page 63 - EW March 2021
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planatory note to the amendments. The aim of those activi-
ties, they continue, is “discrediting state policy pursued in
the Russian Federation” as well as “revising history” and
“undermining the constitutional order”. Their proposed
changes would empower the government to “coordinate”
international educational cooperation, and realise the “po-
tential” of educational organisations to disseminate “the
achievements of national science and culture”.
“This law is attacking not only independent educational
projects and all NGO education activities, but the univer-
sities as well,” says Dmitry Dubrovsky, a researcher on
academic freedom in Russia at the St. Petersburg-based
Centre for Independent Social Research. “All international
cooperation and exchange programmes, following this law,
have to be approved by (a) special body of the government.”
Academic groups in Russia have reacted with horror to Charles Sturt students: course sampling trend
the proposals. The July 1 Club, an association of scholars,
has warned that the changes would put academia, and the Universities Admissions Centre recorded roughly 77,000
humanities in particular, under “strict ideological control” applicants for 2021 courses by December — 7 percent more
of the government. Members of another group of academ- than the previous December — with people applying for up
ics and science communicators have already declared that to five courses each.
they will not comply with the law, and will refuse to apply By mid-January, the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Cen-
for licences to speak publicly about academic work. tre had fielded 3 percent more applications for university
undergraduate courses than at the same point last year.
AUSTRALIA Germov says such figures understate the true situation,
Confusing admissions scenario because most universities accept enrolments directly from
students as well as through admissions centres.
AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITIES’ NEW RECRUITS In total, Charles Sturt has attracted about 20 percent
are taking advantage of online education by ‘sam- more applications than for last year’s cycle. “It’s a positive
pling’ degrees before committing to them, in a thing that applications are up, but it’s not a guarantee that
trend that complicates planning and pressures universities you’re going to get some sort of students bonanza,” says
to deliver good experiences from the outset. Germov.
Charles Sturt University’s acting vice chancellor, John Outgoing Australian Catholic University vice chancellor
Germov, says incoming students are becoming “a bit more Greg Craven reports a “massive increase in applications”,
savvy” by trying out multiple courses before the “census with increases of 20 percent not uncommon across univer-
date cut-off” when tuition fee debts start accruing. sities and demand for some degrees doubling. “A course
Prof. Germov says that the Covid-induced shift to on- that ordinarily has 100 applications (may) have 200 appli-
line education was “tailor-made” for this practice that has cations… from students (with) applications to five other in-
emerged in recent years but accelerated during the pan- stitutions,” he says. “It looks like three-dimensional chess.
demic, with students now able to sample courses interstate When we look at our applications, the question we’re asking
as well as in nearby campuses. “We’re starting to see an at the back of our minds is, who else have you applied to?”
increase in that sort of mobility (where) students accept an Former University of Adelaide vice chancellor Warren
offer but don’t necessarily commit to it until they’ve dipped Bebbington says that the issue is bedevilling admissions
their toe in the water,” he says. “(They let) their initial expe- staff as they juggle course offerings for the new academic
riences sway them one way or the other. It’s an interesting year. A difficult task at the best of times, it is further com-
change of behaviour.” plicated this year by federal funding changes, increased
According to Germov, students deserve credit for their domestic demand and complete uncertainty around inter-
selectivity. “You don’t want people committing to some- national enrolments.
thing that they’re not happy with, and you don’t want high Prof. Bebbington says some faculty budgets normally fi-
rates of attrition. So we’re just going to have to find bet- nalised in December aren’t expected to be confirmed until
ter ways to give people an inkling of the experience they’re late February. “I’m pleased that I’m not involved. It’s a great
likely to have,” he adds. year to be a retired vice chancellor,” he adds.
Limited available data on applications for undergradu-
ate study this year reflect modest increases spurred by (Excerpted and adapted from Times Higher Education and
recession-fuelled demand for tertiary education. Sydney’s e Economist)