Page 81 - EW March 2021
P. 81

to regain the commons    lihoods for the communi-   Uttarakhand’s current   ideological differences as-
             and stand up to the might   ties completely dependent   social and political malaise   sumed irreconcilable pro-
             of the ruling classes — the   on it, even as Bahuguna   is linked with this dispute.   portions which have forced
             dreaded nexus of politi-  adopted a more roman-   For a region that rode   abandonment of the ex-
             cians, bureaucrats and   ticised view of ecological   on the back of ecologi-  alted goals the movement
             contractors — for others, it   preservation, almost sacri-  cal and feminist move-  set out to achieve. As a
             opened avenues for lateral   ficing his life in opposition   ments towards achieving   result, currently the social
             entry into identity politics.    to the ill-conceived Tehri   separate statehood, it has   fabric lies so tattered that
                The author dwells upon   Dam.                  to date, failed to produce   not a whimper of protest is
             these multiple layers of   Thus Pathak effectively   a political leader who   heard when the insensitive
             meaning. For instance,   exposes propagandist     can present a new vision   political class in New Delhi
             while describing the     canards spread against   for a more secure future,   and Dehradun announces
             conflict between the two   them by interests invested   environmentally as well   and builds ill-conceived
             most celebrated leaders   in systematised plunder of   as economically to the   mega-highways and rail
             of the movement, friends   the mountains and main-  people. The state has suf-  projects to pilgrimage
             who fell apart — Chandi   tains that the rift occurred   fered eight chief ministers   sites, pillaging the ecology
             Prasad Bhatt and Sunder-  on account of differing   in two decades of its exis-  only to please the religious
             lal Bahuguna — he dispels   convictions, even as they   tence, none meeting the   vote bank.
             several myths about their   both sought to achieve al-  expectations of the elector-  This, in a region that
             disagreements. Pathak    most similar goals through   ate in any way. Even more   engendered a movement
             points out that their denial   divergent paths. This   conspicuous by its absence   as powerful as Chipko.
             of each other even as the   book, therefore, makes us   is any credible regional   Perhaps Pathak’s history of
             movement reached its ze-  ponder what this Himala-  political party.      the Chipko Movement can
             nith, was the consequence   yan state (Uttarakhand)   Answers to these puz-  help us rekindle the sparks
             of Bhatt’s steadfast resolve   could have been had   zling questions can be   that have gone damp.
             to save the environment   the two combined their   found in Pathak’s history   LOKESH OHRI (The Book
             while also generating live-  strengths.           of Chipko where minor                  R eview )

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