Page 82 - EW March 2021
P. 82


             “Huge need for well-educated public policy professionals”

             A  comp uter science and b usiness                                formulation. Indeed think tanks have
             management alumnus of R amaiah                                    fleshed out major policy decisions
             I nstitute of Technology ,  Bengaluru                             such as OBC quotas in government
             and I I M- Bangalore,   ri d h ar P ab -                          and education institutions and cre-
             b i s e t t y  is founding director of the                        ation of Telangana state.
             K autily a S chool of Pub lic Policy ,  H y -                        During my stint at IIM-Bangalore
             derab ad (e stb .2 0 2 0 ).  I ts mission is                      at the Centre for Public Policy, we
             to “ emp ow er leaders w ho solve 2 1 st                          worked closely with state govern-
             century  p rob lems through rigorous                              ment ministries to launch impactful
             p ub lic p olicy  education” .                                    projects. For instance, the Karnataka
                Earlier,  Prof. Pab b isetty  w as                             government’s Right to Public Service
             chief operating officer of the Centre                             Delivery programme was enriched
             for Pub lic Policy ,  I I M- Bangalore                            with periodic and timely inputs from
             and also served as the chief p ro-                                IIM-B. Currently, this nationally
             grams officer at the Bangalore                                    unique programme provides over
             Political Action Committee. Prior                                 1,000 services with clear documenta-
             to that,  he w ork ed w ith several                               tion, targets and process details from
             hi- tech comp anies including Z y me                              95 government departments.
             S olutions,  A diti Technologies and                                 The public needs to be made
             iCOPE Technologies. Excerpts from                                 aware of such interventions made by
             a 4 0 - minute video interview  (w  w w .                         academia and think tanks. We also
             educationw                                               need to multiply the number of think
                                                                               tanks and public policy programmes
             What are the aims and objectives of the   the uniqueness of this city as the   to increase the supply of public
             Kautilya School of Public Policy (KSPP)?   gateway to the South. For the past   policy innovators in the country. The
             Kautilya’s vision is to “rebalance   four decades, the southern states   challenges confronting the nation are
             the role of society, government and   have pioneered new-age industries   enormous and there’s huge need for
             business towards an equitable and   — IT, ITES and biotechnology. The   thousands of well-educated public
             regenerative India and world”. Our   entrepreneurial buzz of Hyderabad   policy professionals well-versed in
             mission is “empowering leaders who   not only offers freshness of   statecraft to be solution providers.
             solve 21st century problems, through   perspective, but also opportunity
             rigorous public policy education”.   to leverage policy innovations from   The academy is still dominated by Left
             We offer passionate young minds a   the fastest growing hubs of India —   faculty and intellectuals inimical to
             robust training ground that nurtures   Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Chennai.    business and free markets which have
             grassroots aspirations with rigorous                              been enthusiastically embraced by
             academic programmes.             The popular belief is that India’s think   communist China. As a result, the People’s
                                              tanks and the academy have had little   Republic’s GDP is 5x of India’s. Which side
             Most of India’s think tanks are sited in   success in shaping public policy. What’s   of the ideological divide are you and your
             Delhi. How accurate would it be to say   your comment?            board members?
             that a major factor behind the location   The impact of think tanks and   Firstly, we cherish India’s advantage
             of KSPP in Hyderabad is that inputs   academia in policy formulation   of being a democratic nation unlike
             from southern states and peninsular   is not easily visible. Yet the truth   China. Nevertheless, there are many
             intellectuals are also required to shape   is that think tanks and academic   lessons for us to learn not just from
             public policy?                   institutions have been continuously   China, but also South Korea, Taiwan
             At Kautilya, we strongly believe in   influencing and shaping public policy   and nations whose GDP has consis-
             cooperative federalism. While it’s                                tently grown at 8-9 percent annu-
             true, and possibly appropriate, that                              ally. In India, we have just begun on
             Delhi-based think tanks heavily   Our mission is                  this journey and we need sustained
             inform national policy decisions, we   “empowering leaders        economic growth for long periods of
             believe attention needs to be paid to                             time to become rich before we be-
             perspectives from other parts of the   who solve 21st century     come old. Our demographic dividend
             country. Our location in Hyderabad   problems, through rigorous   will give us a great advantage if we
             gives us that opportunity to maintain                             focus on significantly improving our
             a healthy distance from Delhi, while   public policy education”.   human capital with good quality edu-
             remaining in touch with the rest of                               cation, skill development, employ-
             India.                           We offer passionate young         ment and healthcare.
                 Another advantage of our     minds a rigorous academic           Moreover intellectuals and
             location in Hyderabad is the                                      academia should beware of the
             opportunity it provides to leverage   programme.                  danger of being stuck in any

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