Page 83 - EW March 2021
P. 83
ideological groove. We need to 1:30 will drive up effective learning between private and public education
continuously rebalance the role of in schools. It’s well-known that too institutions. Instruments such as
society, government and business to many schools have only one teacher, school choice vouchers will allow
sustain long-term development. We with students of different standards badly performing public institutions
also need to move beyond measuring all learning together, slowing every- to get valuable feedback and also
GDP to plan national development one down. provide alternatives to children and
according to the UNDP’s Human Fourthly, the commitment to youth.
Development Index (HDI). Inclusive increase the spending on public
development requires sharper education to 6 percent of GDP will How well has India managed the Covid-19
definition and integration of the fix many ailments of the existing pandemic? How long before the economy
roles of business, government and public education system. Although regains its 7-8 percent annual GDP growth
citizens. We need to evolve win-win- the allocation needs to be higher, momentum?
win scenarios for all stakeholders investment in physical infrastructure While our fatalities have been much
through iterative socio-economic and human capital of administrators, lower than the US and European
development practices. teachers and support staff should countries, the hardships that mil-
We should also bear in mind improve the learning environment lions of migrant and informal sector
that the rush for growth at any for children and youth. workers are going through have been
cost has inflicted huge human and Finally, while there are green worse.
environmental costs to China. shoots, these promises will flower if This indicates that our Covid-19
Focusing on regenerative and they are meticulously detailed. We management in particular and public
sustainable growth principles look forward to working with state health infrastructure in general,
will enable India to chart a more and Central government depart- need critical analysis. It’s too early
responsible roadmap for itself and ments in ensuring the promise of to declare either a win or loss in this
other developing countries. this policy translates into real im- battle, but government needs to
provements on the ground. focus on creating a responsive public
Education policy research is one of health management system. The
your institutional priorities. What’s your Despite the fact that 47.5 percent of in- grim reality that we certify a mere
comment on the aims and objectives school children countrywide are in private 70,000 allopathy doctors per year
of the recently (July) released National education, NEP 2020 has little to say from less than 500 medical colleges
Education Policy, 2020? about private education providers, except needs to be remedied at the earliest.
Directionally, NEP has made some to state that the public needs protection We should move towards liberalising
very significant departures from against them. What’s your comment? medical education and learn from the
the burdens of the past. Firstly, it This is an unfortunate and success of scaling engineering educa-
gives flexibility to learners, allowing significant shortcoming of NEP tion over the past three decades.
them to acquire formal qualifica- 2020. It’s patently clear that the It will probably take another year
tions in alignment with their talents goal of improving education at all or two for India to regain 8 percent-
and interests. This flexibility of NEP levels will never be achieved entirely plus annual GDP growth. But this
2020 will enable students who aren’t by the public education system. can happen sooner if the government
considered academically meritorious Not involving private education focuses on significantly reducing
by existing evaluation standards, to providers in a constructive way will regulatory cholesterol. Greater effort
demonstrate other innate strengths be a drag on the upsides of NEP needs to be invested in realising the
and intelligences. Multiple entry 2020. A periodic, consultative and goal of minimum government and
and multiple exit options offered by participatory approach towards maximum governance.
NEP 2020 will override the dogma private institutions of all types and
of standardised evaluation, remove sizes must be accorded the highest Any other comment?
fear of failure and replace rote learn- priority by both state and Central It’s high time the best and brightest
ing with understanding of concepts governments. young people enter public policy for-
through practice and effort. That Moreover every effort has to be mulation and politics. Nation build-
said, the process of how the policy made to create a level playing field ing has to be a continuous effort. In
is implemented, ensuring its spirit KSPP we will strive to make this a
remains intact, will really determine e goal of improving collaborative and mutually enriching
how much of all this is eventually endeavour in the national inter-
accomplished. education at all levels will est. We intend to work with local,
Secondly, the emphasis never be achieved entirely state and Central governments and
on multidisciplinary learning provide them with evidence-based
will prompt youth to acquire by the public education public policy analysis and implemen-
skills beyond current narrow tation advice to achieve stated goals.
specialisations and become well- system. Not involving We will strongly advocate scrapping
rounded individuals who can focus private education providers legacy laws and unshackling the
on problem-solving and innovation economy from the tyranny of the
in diverse fields. will be a drag on the past and ideating and formulating
Thirdly, the commitment to policies that are citizen-centric and
improve the teacher-pupil ratio to upsides of NEP 2020 liberating.