Page 73 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 73
Online/blended learning efficacy during need to prioritise raising teaching- creating video lessons and providing
the current Covid-19 crisis. Despite learning standards in government online learning.
many challenges, online/blended schools. Micro-managing of Top 3 proposals for re-inventing K-12
learning has worked well for us private schools by government is
during this unprecedented crisis. The unnecessary and against the public education.
learning experience and investment interest. • Allow schools to operate as for-
in online infrastructure will benefit profit businesses under guidelines
all schools and improve teaching- Children’s Academy initiatives. The prescribed by the government in a
learning processes. There will be a Children’s Academy Group celebrat- manner similar to price control of life
better balance between online and ed its golden jubilee in 2019-2020. saving drugs.
conventional classroom learning We have consistently upgraded our • Government should establish an in-
once the situation normalises. infrastructure and learning outcomes dependent body of education experts
over the past five decades and are to supervise school managements.
Increasing government interference in currently ranked among the most This body should have a fixed tenure
fees and online education delivery by prestigious schools of Mumbai. We of 5-7 years to ensure that decisions
private schools. India hosts 1.5 million accord high importance to teacher taken are not overridden by succes-
schools which provide varying training with the first Saturday of sor governments.
infrastructure, teacher-pupil ratios, every month dedicated to profession- • Government should provide
sports facilities etc. A one-size-fits- al development. Over the past few education vouchers to parents to
all solution is untenable. Therefore, months, we have intensively trained enable them to select schools of their
Central and state governments our teachers to use digital tools for choice.
Capt. A.J. Singh issued report cards as well
Principal, Pinegrove School, Dharampur In the past few months, there’s been
n alumnus of the National De- increasing government interference in
fence Academy, Khadakvasla; fees and online education delivery. How
AIndian Military Academy, Deh- much damage has this caused to private
radun and College of Materials Man- schools?
agement, Jabalpur, Capt. (Retd.) A.J. In these difficult times, reduction in
Singh is principal and executive-direc- school fees was necessary. But vari-
tor of the fully-residential co-ed Pine- ous state governments stepped in to
grove School, Dharampur (Himachal make fees payment voluntary. This
Pradesh) and St. Soldier’s School, has prompted litigation across the
Panchkula. Together these schools country. The fallout of the courtroom
have a total enrolment of 3,000 stu- battles which have divided parents,
dents and 250 teachers. Singh is also a school managements and govern-
former chairman of the Indian Public Schools Conference. ment will negatively impact societal respect for teachers
and schools, and damage student-teacher relationships.
What is your overview of NEP 2020? Moreover, it will discourage private investment in edu-
NEP 2020 is an inclusive, comprehensive and progres- cation.
sive document which if implemented in true letter
and spirit will have far-reaching positive impact on What are the major initiatives Pinegrove School has taken re-
Indian education. Revision of the pedagogical structure cently to upgrade teaching-learning?
from the 10+2 system to 5+3+3+4 was needed to give Over the past few months, we have focused on training
primacy to early childhood and primary education. our teachers and students to make a smooth switch to
Also, the proposal to introduce national examinations online teaching-learning. Designated a Microsoft Ad-
to assess the learning outcomes of children in classes opted School, Pinegrove has made a successful transition
III, V and VIII will definitely improve foundational to online learning. We have received numerous letters of
learning outcomes of children. Moreover, the complete appreciation from parents with 98 percent of them satis-
overhaul of the regulatory system in higher education, fied with our online classes.
and increased government investment in education to Top 3 proposals for re-inventing India’s K-12 education system.
20 percent of government expenditure over the next ten • Increase government spending on public education to
years, are most welcome. 6 percent of GDP immediately.
How satisfied are you with the switch of K-12 schools to online/ • Launch a nationwide teacher capacity building pro-
blended learning during the current Covid-19 crisis? gramme and a national publicity campaign to motivate
The forced switch to online learning couldn’t have come talented people to enter this profession.
at a better time. In our case, after sending children • De-regulate private education and encourage private
home on March 20, we resumed online classes on April investment. State governments should motivate private
1 and thus far, our teachers have successfully completed organisations to promote education institutions in rural
40 percent of the syllabus, conducted two unit tests and India through generous incentives and subsidies.