Page 76 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 76

Special Report

             Saad Sait                                                         education, training, qualifications.
                                                                               • Increase government spending and
             Executive Director, Legacy School, Bangalore                      investment in education to address
                                                                               issues of access, equity, literacy,
                  aad Sait is board member and                                 digital and education divide.
                  executive director of the Cam-                               • Reduce barriers to entry and pro-
             Sbridge International and IB-                                     vide economic incentives to attract
             affiliated Legacy School, Bangalore,                              greater investment in education.
             ranked Karnataka’s #1 international
             day school in EWISR 2019-20. Sait,                                Dr. Vidhukesh Vimal
             who recently completed certifi-
             cate courses in ‘Leading Change in                                Headmaster, Assam Valley School, Balipara
             Education’ and ‘Leading Schools’                                        n alum of Delhi University
             from Harvard Business School and                                        and Jamia Millia Islamia Uni-
             Harvard Graduate School of Educa-                                 Aversity with certification in
             tion, is also co-founder of the state-                            school management and leadership
             of-the-art Kai Early Years, an IB-PYP                             from University College, London and
             candidate school in Bangalore.                                    the Harvard Graduate School of Edu-
             NEP 2020 overview. NEP 2020 has   to educate the children and youth   cation, Dr. Vidhukesh Vimal served
             given belated recognition and high   of this country. These notifications   with the Doon School, Dehradun
             importance to early childhood educa-  are unwarranted, and detrimental   and Mayo College, Ajmer prior to his
             tion. India stands to benefit greatly   for future generations. When such   appointment as headmaster of the
             by investing in nurturing its human   decisions are taken without consult-  Assam Valley School, Balipara (AVS)
             and intellectual capital from the   ing key stakeholders, they adversely   last September. Routinely ranked
             early years. However, a challenge,   impact the viability and ability of pri-  among India’s Top 5 co-ed boarding
             and very likely contentious issue,   vate schools to continue to provide   schools in the annual EWISR, AVS
             is to teach children in their mother   quality education.         has an enrolment of 817 students
             tongue at the primary level, possibly                             and 104 teachers on its musters.
             till class VIII. Also, a significant void   Legacy School major initiatives. We   What is your overview of the recently
             in the policy is lack of recognition of   have been very intentional in nurtur-  released NEP 2020?
             the role and contribution of private   ing a culture of ongoing learning   NEP 2020 should be examined
             schools and institutions. The biggest   under our Learn-Reflect-Discover-  from three perspectives — context,
             challenges that confront NEP 2020   Evolve philosophy, learning for life   challenge and aspirations of citizens
             are the regulatory mechanism for   and life-long learning. This approach   of this country. When we look back
             K-12 schools, bureaucracy, allocation   and attitude has helped us make an   to the Yashpal Committee and NPE
             of financial resources, lack of trained   easy transition to online teaching   1986, the prime challenge before
             teachers and political will to ensure it   and learning.          then prime minister Rajiv Gandhi
             is well implemented.               Six years ago, we began integrat-
                                              ing technology to improve teaching   was to ensure every child attended
             Switch of K-12 schools to online/blend-  and learning, and to develop future   school. Hence Operation Blackboard
             ed learning during the current Covid-19   skills for the 22nd century using the   was launched. The prime objective
             crisis. Digital learning is the next best   Apple ecosystem and framework.   of NEP 2020 is to guarantee quality
             alternative for children during the   Our teachers are now more focussed   education and enhance employabil-
             current crisis. We believe that devel-  on innovating technology to engage   ity, hence the emphasis on vocational
             opmentally appropriate practices,   students meaningfully in online   education.
             rooted in research and proven prac-  learning. Moreover, we have contin-
             tice, combined with the judicious use   ued to invest significantly in differ-
             of technology, supported by ongo-  entiated professional development
             ing professional development, can   opportunities offered by world-class
             support our children’s well-being,   universities and organisations such
             learning and development during   as Harvard, Cambridge and the In-
             this global pandemic era.        ternational Baccalaureate to support
                                              our teachers.
             Fallout of increasing government
             interference in fees and online educa-  Top 3 proposals for re-inventing India’s
             tion delivery of private schools. Several   K-12 education system.
             state governments have issued arbi-  • Define a clear vision for quality
             trary orders to ban online learning.   education in India from the early
             These ill-advised diktats are coun-  years to university. Articulate clear
             terproductive for national socio-eco-  objectives and develop systems and
             nomic development. In India, private   frameworks on a par with interna-
             schools have shouldered a large part   tional standards in the areas of policy
             of the government’s responsibility   and governance, funding and teacher

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