Page 81 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 81
Billabong High International School, Noida
police and keep a check on water wastage or become Archaeologists
and do excavations.
Experiential learning activities for Mathematics is being conducted
in an effective way to help the learners understand the real-life use of
what they’re learning, and most importantly, have fun while learning
math. They are provided with the hands-on experience of Base Ten
Blocks, Number Line, Abacus and Ganit Mala to name a few. They
are also participating in Ganit Week where they experience the
learning by playing math games and solving puzzles. Activities are
also conducted through place value charts, flash cards and Geoboard.
Activities like Challenge the capacity are conducted in which learners
search for different objects of different quantity mentioned and then
prepare anchor charts of conversion rules comprising of units of
measurement of length, weight and capacity. The learners display
various mathematical projects like a model of Clinometer created using
the concept of Trigonometry and Pythagorean Tree constructed using
Pythagoras Theorem.
illabong High International School, Noida envisions to Language is taught with a new approach where Conversations, Role
create an educational system of learning that brings Plays, Show and Tell, Questioning Skills are a regular feature of the
out excellence in every child. We are here to support language classrooms. The language is enhanced through literature to
Band nurture learners with abundant opportunities to develop functional use of English.
develop their creativity, learning curve, reasoning skills, and scientific The Billabong classrooms link theory to practice. The curriculum is
temperaments. We are committed to sensitizing our young learners to progressive in nature and hence the learners from Grade 3 onwards
the needs of the community besides inculcating values like integrity, get an optimum chance to learn in varied ways. The activities are
fortitude, dedication and respecting diversity so that they become designed and conducted in sync with the UN goals like climate action,
compassionate and confident human beings. poverty, Good Health, etc. To exemplify, the learners of Grade 5 were
Enriched Interdisciplinary Curriculum given the task of researching and understanding the condition of
poverty across the world and depict it in the form of a newsletter.
The teaching learning transaction of the curriculum takes place Role-plays are being conducted wherein the learners not only
keeping in mind the Bloom’s Taxonomy, the Multiple Intelligence understand the importance of effective reading techniques but also
Theory, the VARK come up with their own scripts and breath-taking performances. Their
Model, Neuroscience articulation, gestures, voice- modulation and communication skills are
& Brain Research enriched and enhanced when they take up the roles of the characters
Theory, and Digital from novels like ‘Matilda’, ‘Harry Potter’, ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’,
Age & Globalization & ‘The Alchemist’ or Shakespeare’s plays.
Thematic Learning. Some prevailing dominant issues are dealt with solutions like ‘Water
It follows an Conservation’, ‘Saving Mother Earth’, ‘Say No to Plastic’, ‘Follow Traffic
integrated and a multi-
disciplinary approach
towards the curriculum.
It is transacted in such
a way that the learners
ascend from LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills) to HOTS (Higher
Order Thinking Skills).
Experiential Learning in the Classrooms
The mentors of Billabong add a direct experience component to
every lesson and are making sure that learners are engaged in all
aspects of learning. The four components of Kolb’s learning cycle - the
concrete experience, reflection observation, abstract conceptualization Rules’, through activities in the form of JAM (Just A minute), Slogan
and active experimentation are kept in mind to facilitate the learning Writing, Poster Making and Book Cover Designing.
process. Education has to be dynamic to prepare learners for the vicissitudes
When the topic of ‘water’ is taken up, the learners are given the of life. Experiential learning is a means to this end. Billabong High
chance to perform the experiments on properties of water. They are believes that rote learning creates robots but experiential learning
also exposed to a real-life situation when they play the part of water creates enlightened citizens.