Page 82 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 82

Special Report

             Praveen Raju                     Fallout of government interference in   Sumeet Mehta
                                              fees and online education delivery of
             Founder, Suchitra Academy, Hyderabad  private schools. About 1,000 budget   Co-founder, LEAD School
                                              private schools have shut down in     umeet Mehta is co-founder and
                                              Telangana and another 2,000 are       CEO of Leadership Boulevard
                                              on the verge of closure. With 90   SPvt. Ltd (estb.2012), a com-
                                              percent of school expenditure fixed,   pany which offers its LEAD School
                                              fee deferment/waiver notifications   academic solutions to four owned
                                              have resulted in massive losses to   and 800 partner schools across the
                                              school managements. Moreover, the   country. An alum of the Punjab En-
                                              government has offered no rebate in   gineering College and IIM-Ahmed-
                                              GST, property tax, electricity or road   abad, Mehta was a top-rung execu-
                                              tax to schools.                  tive at Proctor & Gamble, Singapore,
                                                Curiously, some sections of the   and former CEO of Zee Learn.
                                              media have contended that school
                                              managements can afford to, and   What is your overview of the NEP 2020
                                              should give, concessions to par-  released recently?
                                              ents. This has resulted in parents   Overall, the policy is forward looking
                                              holding back fee payments despite   and has introduced path-breaking
                                              having capacity to pay, creating a   reforms. Two stand out: recognis-
                                              debilitating atmosphere of mistrust.   ing the importance of early child-
                                              Now with unreasonable screen time   hood education with the 5+3+3+4
                                              restrictions, government is ensuring   schooling formula, and the flexible
                                              that we won’t complete syllabuses on   entry and exit proposal and breaking
                   n engineering graduate of   time.                           down barriers between arts, com-
                   Osmania University, former                                  merce and science streams. This will
             Anationally ranked snooker       Suchitra Academy major initiatives.   herald a new era of cross-disciplinary
             player and former executive di-  We run the Suchitra Badminton    learning.
             rector of the Indus International   Academy, a training centre for
             School, Hyderabad, Praveen Raju   badminton professionals — Olympic   How satisfied are you with the switch of
             is founder-director of the CBSE   silver medallist P.V. Sindhu trains   K-12 schools to online/blended learning
             (Delhi) and Cambridge International   at our academy — and are also a   during the current Covid-19 crisis?
             (UK)-affiliated Suchitra Academy,   recognised Khelo India centre,   It is heartening to see how schools,
             Hyderabad (estb.2011), which has   training many athletes ranked   teachers, parents and children have
             1,500 students and 120 teachers on   in India’s Top 10. During the   responded swiftly and positively to
             its muster rolls.                recent Covid crisis, we designed   the pandemic and embraced online
                                              a unique fitness curriculum for   learning. Learning in the physical
             NEP 2020 overview. It’s a forward   school children delivered online by   world with a peer group is ideal, but
             looking policy. Reforms such as   experienced trainers. These workout   in the given lockdown situation, we
             integration of vocational skills   sessions energise the mind, body   have been able to develop a model of
             and co-curricular education,     and spirit and include yoga and   online learning that comes close.
             overhauling of the B.Ed study    meditation.
             programme, introduction of play-                                  The past few months have witnessed
             based early childhood curriculums,   Top 3 proposals for re-inventing India’s
             project-based learning, are sure   K-12 education system.
             to make Indian education globally   • Implement the curricular, peda-
             comparable. However, effective   gogical and teacher reforms pro-
             implementation of NEP 2020 is    posed in NEP 2020 at the earliest.
             required to realise transformative   • Allow for-profit institutions in
             change in the education sector.   education to attract long-term capi-
                                              tal from domestic and international
             Transition to online/blended learning   capital markets and boost foreign
             during the current Covid-19 crisis. I am   direct investment. USA, China,
             very pleased with the way our teach-  Japan, Germany and UK and almost
             ers have embraced the transition to   all of India’s neighbouring countries
             online/blended learning and ensured   in Asia, the Middle East and Africa
             learning continuity of children. The   allow for-profit investment in educa-
             blended learning model is here to   tion.
             stay. In the post-Covid era, remedial   • The Central government should
             classes, parent-teacher meetings, etc   issue an advisory to all state govern-
             can all be done remotely. Teachers   ments to enact enabling legislation
             are no longer averse to technology   such as the Uttar Pradesh Self-
             and this is sure to benefit all schools   Financed Independent Schools (Fee
             in the years to come.            Regulation) Act, 2018.

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