Page 84 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 84

Special Report

             Francis Joseph                                                    tory body or a shadow ministry of
             Co-founder, SLN Foundation, Mumbai                                education in every state with equal
                                                                               participation of experts and prac-
                                                                               titioners from public and private
                     ell-known educationist                                    schools, research organisations, par-
                     Francis Joseph, who has
             Wover 25 years experience in                                      ents, legal experts and government
             education management in India and                                 • Set up a government recognised
             the Middle East, is the co-founder                                virtual school board, ensuring access
             of School Leaders Network (SLN)                                   and affordability of learners to online
             Foundation (estb.2015) which works                                education.
             with 720 private and public schools
             countrywide to promote collabora-                                 Anirudh Gupta
             tion and sharing of best teaching-
             learning practices.                                               CEO, DCM Group of Schools
             NEP 2020 overview. It’s a forward step                                  n engineering and business
             in the right direction. The policy’s                                    management alum of Punjabi
             focus on student learning outcomes                                AUniversity, Patiala, Anirudh
             and achieving foundational literacy                               Gupta is CEO of the DCM Group of
             and numeracy skills will positively                               Schools (estb.1947) comprising six
             impact Indian education. The univer-                              K-12 schools across Punjab with an
             salisation of early childhood educa-  that private schools are commercial,   aggregate enrolment of 20,000 stu-
             tion, multi-disciplinary curricular   exploitative and indulge in unfair   dents instructed by 1,200 faculty.
             and pedagogy approach, and focus   practice has wide currency. This   What is your overview of the NEP 2020
             on vocational education holds a lot of   perception is wrong and needs to   released last month?
             promise for the future generation.   change. Most recent government   NEP 2020 is an excellent docu-
                The establishment of State School   policies have been framed without
             Regulatory Authority (SSRA) is   any research and consultation with   ment aligned to the United Nations
                                                                               Sustainable Development Goals and
             welcome provided it is balanced with   important stakeholders such as
             equal participation of all stake-  school managements, parents, legal   five pillars of access, equity, qual-
                                                                               ity, affordability and accountability.
             holders and adopts a consultative,   experts and education boards. Faulty
             transparent and accountable ap-  populist policies can seriously dam-  Suggested reforms such as setting
                                                                               up a gender inclusion fund, strong
             proach in its functioning. However,   age the private school ecosystem,
             the success of NEP 2020 will depend   creating a cloud of confusion and   emphasis on foundational lit-
                                                                               eracy and numeracy, elimination of
             on its implementation and cultural   distrust among stakeholders. This
             adaptability, especially at the state   will discourage private investment in   rigid boundaries between academic
                                                                               streams, and universalisation of edu-
             and district levels.             school education.
                                                                               cation from preschool to secondary
             Switch of K-12 schools to online/blended   SLN Foundation. The objective of the   level are laudable. If implemented
             learning during the current Covid-19   School Leaders Network Foundation   in its true vision and spirit, I believe
             crisis. The compulsory closure of   is to upgrade both private and public   the policy has the potential to bring
             schools induced common pain for all   schools through the power of col-  India on a par with developed OECD
             educators who had to switch to the   laboration. Over the past few months   countries.
             online medium to maintain learning   we have worked with school leaders,   How satisfied are you with the switch of
             continuity. Some positives of this   policy makers, education boards and   K-12 schools to online/blended learning
             transition are that parental engage-  influencers to improve teaching-  during the current Covid-19 crisis? Is
             ment has increased with parents and   learning standards across the board.   this beneficial for school education?
             teachers becoming aware of their   SLN has made education policy rec-  The switch to online/blended learn-
             roles, teachers’ capability to use   ommendations to governments and
             modern technology has improved   education boards, enabled curricu-  ing is the best and only option to
                                                                               continue teaching-learning with min-
             vastly, and schools have greatly   lum reforms in municipal and state
             upgraded digital infrastructure,   government schools in Maharashtra,   imum academic disruption during
                                                                               this crisis. This forced transition has
             curriculums and innovated differ-  and conducted school development
             entiated and personalised learning   activities for affordable schools run   opened up new vistas for learning,
                                                                               forcing hitherto IT-shy educators to
             pedagogies. However though I am   by the Western Region Catholic
             excited about teachers embracing   Foundation for Education.      step out of their comfort zones. How-
                                                                               ever, in India which is steeped in
             online technologies, I am hopeful   Top 3 proposals for re-inventing India’s
             of physical schools reopening soon   K-12 education system.       poverty and inequality, the transition
                                                                               to online learning will benefit school
             so that students can benefit from a   • Grant greater autonomy to private
             holistic school experience.                                       education only when every child has
                                              schools especially in curriculum   Internet connectivity and access to
             Increasing government interference in   planning/delivery/assessment and   digital devices.
             private schools’ fees and online educa-  administration.
             tion delivery. Unfortunately, the myth   • Establish an independent regula-  The past few months have witnessed in-
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