Page 83 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 83

increasing government interference in   and continue online learning but   video views. This initiative has made
             fees and online education delivery. How   the damage was done. Confusion   remote learning accessible to stu-
             much damage has this caused to private   prevailed, learning was interrupted,   dents in over 800 affordable private
             schools?                         and schools and parents got into a   English-medium schools. We have
             Shifting and often unclear govern-  tussle that has eroded mutual trust.   also trained over 15,000 teachers
             ment directives have generated con-  All this is not good for the education   during the past four months through
             fusion among parents and educators.   ecosystem.                  the online mode.
             These directives have persuaded   What are the major initiatives LEAD   What are your Top 3 proposals for re-
             some parents that they don’t have   School has recently taken to upgrade   inventing India’s K-12 education system?
             to pay school fees. This has thrown   teaching-learning?          NEP 2020 has documented most
             private schools into disarray because   Even before the government im-  of the ideas needed to reinvent K12
             they rely on fees to pay teachers, staff   posed the 21-day national lock-  education. If we implement even 50
             salaries and loan EMIs.          down, LEAD School — one of the   percent of the intent of the docu-
                Further, blanket bans on online   fastest-growing technology-enabled   ment, we’ll take a big stride forward.
             learning have nullified the efforts   academic systems in India — had   However, I want to see more public
             of schools to provide uninterrupted   launched its unique School@Home   private partnerships because that’s
             learning to students. Since then   programme on March 16. Online   the fastest way to improve the quality
             the courts have intervened to al-  classes under the programme have   of the country’s 1.2 million govern-
             low schools to charge tuition fees   generated approximately 20 million   ment schools.

              Anil Sharma                                                        online classes. But I believe this
                                                                                 switch is a beneficial development
              Principal, Birla Vidya Mandir, Nainital                            for school education as teachers
              A                                                                  integrating technology into class-
                                                                                 have become adept at using and
                    physics and education post-
                    grad of Delhi University and
                                                                                 room transactions.
                    M.D. University, Rohtak, Anil
              Sharma is the principal of Birla Vidya                             The past few months have witnessed
              Mandir, Nainital (estb.1947), ranked                               incremental government interference
              among India’s Top 5 all-boys boarding                              in fees and online education delivery.
              schools. In a distinguished career span-                           How much damage has this caused to
              ning three decades in Indian education,                            private schools?
              Sharma has served as former principal                              The only source of revenue for
              of the Sanskriti School, Ajmer, Gyan                               private schools is fees. Since
              Bharati, Delhi and deputy principal of                             the lockdown in March, private
              Lawrence School, Lovedale.                                         school teachers are conducting
                                                                                 online classes without interrup-
              What is your overview of the NEP 2020                              tion. But if schools are not al-
              released last month?                             lowed to collect fees, how will they pay teachers and staff
              NEP 2020 is a progressive futuristic document. Connect-  salaries? Moreover, government guidelines allow schools
              ing pre-primary, school and higher education through a   to conduct online classes for not more than three hours
              seamless education continuum will go a long way in rais-  per day while the syllabus has been reduced by only 30
              ing academic standards across the board. Also includ-  percent. Schools will find it very difficult to complete the
              ing vocational subjects in mainstream K-12 education   syllabus with these restrictions.
              will develop skill-based and academic competencies of
              children, while the shift from rote to competency-based   What are the major initiatives Birla Vidya Mandir has recently
              learning, and teacher training reforms will radically   taken to upgrade teaching-learning?
              change Indian classrooms. Another great idea is the an-  We have sharply upgraded the school’s IT infrastruc-
              nual Compulsory Continuous Professional Development   ture by creating digital resource centres in our IT labs,
              programme for principals.                        increased Internet speed and conducted online orienta-
                 However, the suggestion to teach primary classes in   tion programmes for teachers to improve pedagogies and
              the mother tongue/local language is ill-advised especial-  assessment processes.
              ly for residential schools, as they enrol students not only   What are your Top 3 proposals for re-inventing India’s K-12
              from different states of the country, but from countries   education system?
              around the world.                                • School curriculums should be redesigned to develop
              How satisfied are you with the switch of K-12 schools to   students’ problem-solving skills and scientific temper.
              online/blended learning during the current Covid-19 crisis? Is   • Continuous and comprehensive orientation pro-
              this a beneficial development?                   grammes for principals and teachers must be made
              The switch to online/blended learning was necessary   compulsory and conducted regularly.
              because schools didn’t have any other option to ensure   • Integrate parenting education and mentoring into
              learning continuity. We cannot compare physical and   school education.

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