Page 78 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 78

Special Report

             Dr. Skand Bali                   theory of concepts which happens
                                              best without language compulsion.
             Principal, Hyderabad Public School,   Switch of K-12 schools to online learning
             Begumpet                         during the Covid-19 crisis.The online/
                   n alum of Punjab University   blended learning solution is specific
                   with 20 years experience in   to the Covid-19 crisis. This mode of
             Atop-ranked schools (Army        learning certainly cannot replace
             Public School, Dagshai, Doon School,   face-to-face teaching that connects
             Dehradun, G.D. Goenka World      schools, teachers and students. I
             School, Gurgaon), Dr. Skand Bali   am a strong proponent of hands-on
             is the high-profile principal of the   learning pedagogies as expounded by
             CISCE-affiliated Hyderabad Public   the great educationist John Dewey.
             School (HPS), Begumpet, which has   Government interference in fees and
             3,600 students and 162 faculty on its   online education delivery of private
             muster rolls.                    schools. Government interference
             NEP 2020 overview. NEP 2020 delivers   causes little damage to private   to continuously upgrade their skills
             a strong message: Education must   schools run with the objective of   and expertise using latest research in
             prepare children for life and not just   providing quality education, as most
             careers. Among the policy’s notewor-  regulations are in favour of children.   Top 3 proposals for re-inventing K-12
             thy reform proposals are inclusion   However, I believe that the education   education.
             of skills-based vocational training in   ministry/department should consult   • Switch to child-centric skills-based
             school curriculums, integration of   with experienced educators before   education where learning is not only
             technology, continuous professional   drafting rules and regulations.   about acquiring knowledge, but life
             development of teachers and uni-  HPS-Begumpet initiatives. We have   skills as well.
             versalisation of early childhood care   designed an international curricu-  • Integrate technology as a pedagogi-
             and education. Although opposed   lum and introduced agriculture and   cal tool, so that learning is life-long
             by many, allowing multi-lingualism   entrepreneurship development as   and doesn’t stop.
             in classroom instruction is in my   subjects. The school’s department   • Reform the assessment system and
             opinion, a positive step as I believe   of progressive learning pedago-  appreciate children for their effort
             teaching-learning is a cognitive   gies is also working with teachers   and not just exam scores.

             Jyoti Arora                                                       from online learning.
             Principal, Mount Abu Public School, Rohini                        Increasing government interference in
                                                                               private schools fees and online education
             A                                                                 delivery. Schools flourish when they
                   science, education and infor-
                   mation technology alum of
                                                                               have strong support from parents.
                   Delhi, Himachal Pradesh and
             Sikkim Manipal universities, Jyoti                                Therefore, it is disappointing that the
                                                                               trust between parents and schools has
             Arora is founder-principal of the                                 reduced considerably because of gov-
             CBSE-affiliated Mount Abu Public                                  ernment circulars and notifications.
             School, Rohini, Delhi (estb.1998)
             with 2,700 students and 130 teach-                                Mount Abu Public School major initia-
             ers. Arora also serves as an elected                              tive. We have recently introduced
             member of the governing body of the                               our global citizenship curriculum
             Central Board of Secondary Educa-                                 to sensitise our children to the UN
             tion (CBSE), Delhi.                                               Sustainable Development Goals.
                                              the contribution of private education
             NEP 2020 overview. NEP 2020’s sharp   institutions to nation-building.   Top 3 proposals for re-inventing India’s
             focus on early childhood care and                                 K-12 education system.
             education was long overdue. I am   Switch of K-12 schools to online/blended   • Revamp teacher education and
             hopeful that NCERT and other agen-  learning during the current Covid-19 cri-  make the profession attractive for
             cies will design a comprehensive   sis. The smooth transition of private   talented people. Only well-trained
             curriculum to build strong literacy,   schools to online/blended learning   teachers will be able to equip stu-
             numeracy and other foundational   has ensured learning continuity with   dents with 21st-century skills and
             skills of children. The shift from   minimum academic loss. This is a   inspire innovation.
             the 10+2 to the 5+3+3+4 system is   beneficial development because it   • Rebuild and restore trust between
             also welcome. It will ensure a strong   also connects learning communities   schools and parents.
             start, education continuity and expo-  beyond national borders. But since   • Redesign K-12 curriculums and
             sure of children to life and vocational   the country’s digital infrastructure is   pedagogies to ensure children are
             skills. However, I am disappointed   still underdeveloped, many under-  prepared for life and not just work-
             with the policy’s failure to recognise   privileged children are excluded   places.

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