Page 14 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 14

Education News

               DELHI                                                           T.M.A. Pai Case. The judges ruled
             Landmark fees regulation judgement                                that government can regulate the

                                                                               fee determined by managements of
                                                                               private education institutions only
                                                                               in cases of profiteering and levy of
                                                                               capitation fees.
                                                                                 They noted that the state’s FRA
                                                                               prescribed an elaborate process in
                                                                               which the fees of schools were de-
                                                                               termined by SLFCs (school level fees
                                                                               committees) — drawn from Parent-
                                                                               Teacher Associations made manda-
                                                                               tory by FRA 2016 — with the right of
                                                                               either party to appeal to a  divisional
                                                                               appellate authority and a higher
                                                                               revision authority. Thus  the fees of
                                                                               every private school in the state have
                                                                               been agreed to by parents. Moreover
                                                                               under the rules of the Act  the school
                                                                               fee fixed by the SLFC was binding
                                                                               for three years on both the parties,
             Supreme Court of India: overdue contracts sanctity verdict. Inset: Damodar Goyal  i.e. management and parents. This
                                                                               constituted a binding contract with
             A                                during the academic year and were   which the State/government cannot
                    detailed and brilliantly rea-
                    soned 128-page judgement of
                                              teaching online, their managements
                    the Supreme Court delivered
                                                                                 The court also noted that insti-
                                              transport and other services to stu-
             on May 3, has huge implications   had not provided co-curricular or   tutional managements determine
             for the country’s under-appreciated   dents, and therefore parents are not   school fees on the basis of invest-
             450,000 private schools which —   obliged to pay for them. Moreover   ment made in over a dozen param-
             most people are unaware   — host   the syllabuses of affiliated schools   eters, including infrastructure and
             48 percent of India’s 260 million   had been truncated by CBSE and the   co-curricular and sports education
             in-school children.              state exam boards and online educa-  facilities provided, and after fac-
                Upholding two sets of appeals   tion was restricted to three-four   toring in a reasonable surplus for
             filed by the Indian School, Jodhpur   hours per day. Therefore, parents   re-investment and expansion of
             and Association of Private Unaided   should pay only 70 percent of the   education — expressly sanctioned
             Schools of Rajasthan against the   contracted tuition fees of their wards   by the T.M.A Pai judgement. The
             state government, a two judges   studying in CBSE affiliated schools   learned judges observed that the
             bench comprising A.N. Khanwilkar   and 60 percent for children in state   state government had the option of
             and Dinesh Maheshwari JJ, read   board affiliated schools         paying the remainder 30 percent fees
             down, i.e modified, ss. 4, 6, and 10 of   This fees reduction order was   or directly provide relief to financial-
             the Rajasthan Schools (Fees Regula-  challenged on the ground that it was   ly distressed parents. In any event it
             tion) Act, 2016 (FRA).           issued without any authority of law   has no right to vary the terms of the
                The first appeal filed by the peti-  and was violative of the fundamental   fees contract between schools and
             tioners challenged the constitutional   right of the petitioners conferred by   parents. However with the appellants
             validity of several sections of the   Article 19 (1) (g) of the Constitution   representing 36,000 private schools
             Act. In the second set of appeals they   as affirmed by an 11-judges bench   of Rajasthan having volunteered to
             challenged an order of the state gov-  of the apex court in the landmark   reduce fees payable for 2020-21 by
             ernment — upheld by the high court   T.M.A. Pai Foundation vs. Union of   25 perent, the court ruled that a 15
             — directing private schools to collect   India (2002).            percent reduction of 2019-20 fees
             only 70 percent of tuition fees — and    In its detailed judgement the   would serve the interests of justice
             no other fees — from parents for the   Supreme Court bench held that the   and relief to the parents community
             academic year 2020-21. The state   right to determine the fees payable   of Rajasthan.
             government had successfully con-  by students was vested in every    Although the two-judge bench
             tended in the high court that since   school’s “management alone” by the   of the Supreme Court stressed that
             all schools had been under lockdown   Supreme Court’s judgement in the   the ambit of its verdict is restricted

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