Page 12 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 12

                                          Role of ed-tech platforms once

                                          schools re-open

                                          The Covid pandemic has impacted life in ways we could not imagine just a
                                          year ago. Education was severely disrupted due to the limitations imposed on
                                          movement, meetings and gathering. Ms. Divya Lal, Managing Director of
                                          Fliplearn Education Pvt. Ltd explains her views on why schools should prepare
                                          for a shift to Phygital learning in 2021.

                                          of which way the wind is blowing.  Blended   question allowing a pre-set flexible format for
                                          learning will without doubt play a key role in   answers - objective type, short answer type, or
                                          reshaping our collective ambition of universal   long answer type. The automated checker for
                                          quality education – as also improve learning   both objective and subjective tests gives the
                                          outcomes.                        teacher more time for personalized attention
                                            The ed-tech players will have to go the   to each child.
                                          extra mile to address emerging issues in post-  With new intuitive features, Fliplearn app
                                          covid times when schools begin reopening.   will now allow students/teachers to upload
                                          It is not difficult to anticipate that there will be   heavy files even with low internet speed as
                                          multitude issues and challenges. Legislation,   they get automatically compressed and then
                 dtech startups entered 2021 on a   or new rules will likely create insecurity among   sent out.
                 strong footing thanks largely to the   all stakeholders – colleges, students, parents,
                 momentum gained in 2020, when   and teachers – and these may persist for   Fliplearn has also added robust feature
         Ethe world went into lockdown    some time until full normalcy is restored.   for homework assessment which will be
         and online learning became the new reality   However blended pedagogy mechanism –   making lives of teachers easier and will
         and the entire eco system - from investors to   referred to as phygital – is by all estimates   allow for enhanced efficiencies. While
         consumers, saw edtech as a bridge over this   going to be the preferred way as the transition   correcting student homework, teachers can
         disruption.                      to digital education progresses and percolates   give commands in audio, video and text
           The fall out has been extensive and   into the education system.   format to rectify their mistakes as well as add
         blended learning – a combination of traditional   A comprehensive edtech platform like   appreciation.
         brick and mortar schooling with online learning   Fliplearn is giving schools and teachers   Teachers can also schedule tests or
         - has become the go-to methodology for   complete control of their students’ learning.   assessments in advance. Other features that
         students and teachers to continue education   Its custom-made, engaging, and simplified   can be enabled - and edited as and when
         while confined to their homes for the past year.   content, and easy access to an array of   required - include the number of attempts,
         As the threat of more disruption looms, and   impressive features for schools, has helped   word limit, type, number of attachments
         a full-scale return to schools this academic   simplify teaching and learning by teachers.   uploaded, the time limit for a test. Teachers
         year appears unlikely, ed-tech will continue to   These platforms have re-imagined education   also have the ability to hide or show features
         dominate education delivery, especially at the   in a 360-degree digital vision, without   and can restrict access to a certain group of
         primary and secondary levels, through online   compromising on any aspect of traditional   students. Besides the above, teachers can
         learning as the primary mode of instruction.  learning. For eg. Fliplearn Edge  - the platform   also see the time spent by a child to answer
           The online education market, based on   app - enables teachers to upload videos,   any question or time taken to complete an
         current trends, has a very promising future   photos, or content and assign homework   assessment.
         ahead, with substantial growth expected in   and assessment, while allowing for individual   School, as much as education, are
         the coming years. Although not everyone is   innovation and creativity. Teachers can also   never going to be the same again. Today’s
         convinced that online learning will eventually   create assessments through an inbuilt bank   blended learning is but a step away from a
         replace traditional learning, a hybrid model   with each question allowing a pre-set flexible   transformation of the curriculum and pedagogy
         will undoubtedly gain traction in the future.   format for answers with multiple options   as we know it today. Edtech remains the most
         Teachers and interactive sessions will always   including objective type, short answer type, or   comprehensive new world solution to address
         be required to address higher order thinking.   long answer type. The automated checker for   the challenges of education during and the
         Soft and social skills — a critical part of the   both objective and subjective tests give the   post pandemic global scenario. No barrier
         school experience — cannot be effectively   teacher more time for personalized attention   of geography, cost, distance, ability, access,
         replicated without offline interactions.   to each child. Fliplearn Edge enables teachers   content can now hold back a deserving or
         And yet, the growing popularity of virtual   to upload videos, photos, or content at will   willing student. Teachers can function more
         classrooms as a convenient hybrid model   while allowing for individual innovation and   efficiently, and students can study more
         between online teaching and the traditional   creativity. Teachers can create question   economically, with greater freedom and
         classroom experience is a strong indicator   papers through an inbuilt bank with each   flexibility. Edtech is the future of education.

                                               EDUCATIONWORLD MAY 2021
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