Page 10 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 10


                                              post-pandemic school education by   Inspiring young idealist
                                              Sahle-Work Zewde, chairperson of   I AM A regular reader of EW, espe-
                                              the International Commission on the   cially your Young Achiever section. It
                                              Futures of Education, are excellent.  was a delight to read about Radhika
                                                They should be urgently adopted   Ghetiya and her recent 12-medal
                                              by the Indian government.        haul for topping the B.Sc (Agricul-
                                                           Malia Bhattacharya  ture Hons) final exam of Anand
                                                                       DELHI   Agricultural University. There’s hope
                                                                               for this country as long as there are
                                                                               young idealists like Radhika ready
                                              Brilliant initiative             to serve in rural India and revolutio-
                                              YOUR SPECIAL Report ‘CENTA       nise agri-farming practices. Kudos
                                              TPO 2020: Growing enthusiasm for   Radhika!
                                              teacher development’ (EW April) is                Bihu Aggarwal
                                              a timely celebration of private and                  AHMEDABAD
                                              government school teachers who
                        APRIL 2021            have risen to the challenges of con-
                                              ducting online classes amid the rag-  Doomed democracy
                                              ing Coronavirus pandemic. Teachers   I ENJOYED reading the brilliantly
             Disgraceful indifference         have indeed emerged as the heroes of   argued essay of Dr. Shiv Visvanathan
             THANKS FOR YOUR hard-hitting     the past few months by readily and   about Prof. Pratap Bhanu Mehta’s
             cover story ‘3-prong assault on   enthusiastically stepping up to the   exit from Ashoka University (EW
             private schools’ (EW April). India’s   challenge of providing remote virtual   April). Academic freedom is indeed
             high-performance private schools are   teaching to children.      under grave threat in India with the
             indeed under siege! The indifference   Congratulations to CENTA for   ruling dispensation clamping down
             of the Central and state governments   its brilliant Teaching Professionals   on all dissent within universities —
             to the financial crisis confronting   Olympiad (TPO) initiative. All the   whether by faculty or students. But
             private — especially budget private   award winning teachers have heaped   as Visvanathan highlights, dissent
             school — promoters and manage-   praise on the test for evaluating   is normative in every university
             ments is shocking and disgraceful.   teachers’ subject expertise as well as   system.
             The Centre should have included   capability to manage classrooms and   If faculty and students are not al-
             private schools as MSMEs in its pan-  implement innovative pedagogies. I   lowed to question, argue and dissent
             demic relief package qualifying them   salute Ramya Venkatraman who sac-  within universities, India’s democ-
             for bank loans, interest moratoriums   rificed a lucrative corporate career   racy is doomed.
             and other benefits.              to promote CENTA with the mission                Suman Banerjee
                As you rightly say, the world over   of providing the nation high-quality            KOLKATA
             governments have provided gener-  teachers.
             ous grants and soft loans to schools                  Rimlee Das
             and direct benefit transfers to poor                 BENGALURU    Wrong photograph
             households to maintain the nutrition                              YOU HAVE PRINTED the wrong
             and learning continuity of children.                              photo of Saurabh Mundra (p.66)
             It’s time our callous politicians begin   Entrepreneurial mindsets  in your April special report on the
             to acknowledge the role and contri-  I AM IN full agreement with Saro-  CENTA TPO winners. I’m the winner
             bution of private education in the   jini Rao, author of your Teacher-  of the middle school maths olympiad
             national development effort.     2-Teacher column (EW April) about   and was looking forward to being
                             Maria Gonsalves  the need to build entrepreneurial   featured in your story. I had sent my
                                       PUNE   mindsets within children and youth.   correct photograph in all the sup-
                                                I run a small family business and   porting mails.
                                              I believe the distinguishing factor   I request you to rectify this error
             Excellent suggestions            of any successful entrepreneur is   and use my correct photograph.

             I WAS ALARMED to read about      her ability to communicate, solve       Saurabh Mundra on E-MAIL
             the extent of learning loss suffered   problems, think creatively and build
             by India’s school-going children in   self-confidence and resilience.  We regret this error. Your photo is
             your cover story (EW April). The                      Seema Suri  now featured on
             nine recommendations for reviving                     GURUGRAM — Editor

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