Page 6 - EducationWorld May 2021
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                EW INDIA HIGHER                                                                         14
                     EDUCATION                                                               EDUCATION NEWS
              RANKINGS 2021-22
                                                                                              Delhi: Landmark fees
               With admission into                                                            regulation judgement
              highly subsidised top                                                       Maharashtra: Examination
               tier Centrally funded                                                                  imbroglio
               universities and elite
               IITs, IIMs, NITs, likely                                                        West Bengal: Bengal
                  to become more                                                                  exceptionalism
                difficult because of                                                        Madhya Pradesh: Ghost
              loss of learning in the                                                            colleges scandal
                pandemic year, the
                next option is best
               private colleges and

                                                        52                                              58

                                                 INDIA’S BEST                                INDIA’S TOP 100
                                                GOVERNMENT                                NON-AUTONOMOUS
                                                AUTONOMOUS                                          COLLEGES
                                                    COLLEGES                                   A large number of

             34                            government-promoted                             colleges with excellent
                                                                                              privately promoted
                                            Within the category of
                                            higher ed institutions,
                                                                                             reputation have not
             INDIA’S TOP-RANKED PRIVATE      autonomous colleges                          been granted autonomy
                                                                                               and are tied to the
             AUTONOMOUS COLLEGES            enjoy special standing                          apron strings of their
                                                by virtue of their
                                              autonomous status                             affiliating universities
             The 2021-22 sample              for which a minimum
             respondents — 1,823           NAAC ‘A’ Grade rating is
             academics and 2,133 final year   a condition precedent
             college students in 21 states                                    IN THIS ISSUE
             — have awarded six seats
             at the Top 10 table of private
             autonomous colleges  to                           Editorial           8  Gov. Autonomous     52
             Christian minority promoted
             institutions                                      Mailbox            10  Non-autonomous      58
                                                               Education News     14  Engineering colleges   72
             72                                                Education Notes    22  Pictorial Essay     86

                                                               Education Briefs   23   Teacher-2-Teacher   88
              INDIA’S TOP 100 PRIVATE                                                 People              90
              ENGINEERING COLLEGES                             Expert Comment     24  Books               94
                                                               Young Achievers    29
             To compile the EW India Private Engineering Institutes                   Postscript          98
             Rankings 2021-22, market researchers of the Delhi-based   Cove r Story   30
             Centre for Forecasting & Research Pvt. Ltd interviewed                   Special  Partner’s  Message:
             1,018 engineering college faculty, 1,126 final year students   Private Autonomous   34   Digital Transformation — Overall
             and 379 industry representatives countrywide                             Digitisation Strategy

             6    EDUCATIONWORLD   MAY 2021
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