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                   120 Chapter 3: Respiratory system

                       (non-cardiogenic) and exudation of a protein-rich  pulmonary arterial pressure is raised) unlike in car-
                       fluid into alveolar spaces.                 diogenic pulmonary oedema.
                       Type I pneumocytes, which make up 90% of the  Other investigations to look for an underlying cause

                       alveolar epithelium mostly die, and Type II pneu-  (e.g. blood cultures coagulation screen and d-dimers
                       mocytes, which produce surfactant are disrupted in  for DIC, amylase for pancreatitis).
                     During this phase, there is alveolar collapse, lung  Management
                     compliance falls (i.e. the lungs become stiff) and gas  1 Identification and eradication of any underlying cause
                     exchange is impaired, and there may also be evi-  such as sepsis.
                     dence of airflow obstruction. Increased shunting and  2 Supportive treatment with following:
                     deadspace occurs (ventilation–perfusion mismatch)     Ventilatory support – low volume, pressure-limited
                     and hypoxaemia results.                        cycles reduce further damage.
                   2 In some cases the acute phase resolves with complete     Fluid restriction and removal if necessary to min-
                     recovery within a week. In other cases, where damage  imise pulmonary oedema.
                     to lung tissue has been severe the disease progresses to     To attempt to improve ventilation/perfusion mis-
                     afibrosing alveolitis phase:                    match the patient can be alternately nursed prone
                       The mechanism is unclear, but interstitial fibrosis
                                                                    and supine, or treated with nebulised prostacyclin
                       develops with loss of the normal architecture of  or nitric oxide.
                       the lung, obliterating the vasculature and leading     High dose steroids are no longer recommended in
                       to pulmonary hypertension, worsening lung com-  ARDS for treatment or prophylaxis.
                       pliance and in the long-term emphysema and hon-
                       eycomb lung.
                                                                Dependant on the underlying cause, mortality can be
                                                                very high in patients with septic shock who develop
                   Clinical features
                                                                multi-organ failure. Increasing age and pre-existing dis-
                   The first sign is tachypnoea, followed by hypoxia, wors-
                                                                ease worsen the outcome.
                   ening dyspnoea and fine bi-basal crackles that become
                   tiple organ failure, so the features of other organ failure
                                                                 Suppurative lung disorders
                   may develop such as renal and liver failure.
                                                                Cystic fibrosis
                   Often complicated by secondary infection (nosocomial  Definition
                   pneumonia).                                  Autosomal recessive disorder with multisystem involve-
                                                                ment including chronic suppurative lung disease, pan-
                                                                creatic insufficiency and liver cirrhosis.
                     Chest X-ray and CT scan show bilateral diffuse shad-

                     owing with an alveolar pattern. Later the picture may  Incidence
                     progress to a complete whiteout. With the fibrotic  1in 2500 births are homozygous, 1 in 25 carriers (het-
                     phase, linear opacities become visible.    erozygous) in Caucasians.
                     Blood gases are used to detect and monitor respira-

                     tory failure, other investigations such as U&E and liver  Age
                     function tests may be required, as multiorgan failure  90% diagnosed in childhood, and 10% in adolescents
                     is common.                                 and adults.
                     The pulmonary wedge pressure should be measured

                     by insertion of a Swan–Ganz catheter. In ARDS  Sex
                     the pulmonary wedge pressure is normal (although  M = F
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