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                   122 Chapter 3: Respiratory system

                       Appropriate vaccination against influenza, H. in-  thickened and permanently dilated. The lower lobes of

                       fluenzae Strep pneumoniae, measles, pertussis and  the lungs tend to be most affected because of gravita-
                       varicella.                               tional pooling of secretions.
                       Gene therapy is currently being researched in an

                       attempt to ‘infect’ individuals with a retrovirus car-  Clinical features
                       rying the normal CF gene.                In mild cases sputum production only occurs post-
                   3 Surgical treatment: If the patient has a life expectancy  infection. More severely affected patients have chronic
                     of less than 18 months, lung (or heart–lung) trans-  halitosis, a cough with copious thick sputum, recurrent
                     plantation is used with good result. Liver transplan-  fevers and episodes of pneumonia. Patients may be dys-
                     tation has been used in patients with end-stage liver  pnoeic, clubbed and cyanosed. Haemoptysis may occur
                     disease.                                   due to friable granulation tissue and can be massive.
                                                                Coarse crackles and sometimes wheeze (due to airflow
                   Prognosis                                    limitation) are heard over affected areas.
                   Median age of survival is 31 years but is expected to rise
                   with improving therapies.                    Macroscopy
                   Definition                                    Microscopy
                   Bronchiectasis is a condition characterised by purulent  Chronic inflammation in the wall of the abnormal
                   sputum production with cystic dilation of the bronchi.  bronchiwithreplacementoftheepitheliumwithinflam-
                                                                matory granulation tissue, which bleeds. There may be
                   Aetiology                                    squamous metaplasia of the bronchial mucosa.
                   In developed countries, cystic fibrosis is the most com-
                   mon cause, tuberculosis and post-childhood infections  Complications
                   are also common.                                 Pneumonia.
                   1 Changes in the normal drainage of bronchial secre-     Pneumothorax, empyema.
                     tions:                                         Chronic cases may lead to respiratory failure and cor
                       Airway obstruction such as by a tumour or foreign  pulmonale.

                       body.                                        Chronic suppuration causes abscess formation,
                       The mucus may not drain if it is excessively thick as  haematogenous spread of infection (formation of

                       in cystic fibrosis.                         cerebral abscesses) and development of amyloidosis.
                       Conditions affecting cilia such as ciliary dyskine-

                       sia and Kartagener’s syndrome (genetic syndrome  Investigations
                       associated with dextrocardia and situs inversus).     Chest X-ray may be normal or may show the dilated
                   2 Infections causing damage to the bronchial walls:  thick walled bronchi.
                       Childhood respiratory infection in the developing  High resolution CT scans are diagnostic showing the

                       lung, e.g. measles, whooping cough and pneumo-  dilated bronchi with thickened walls and adjacent
                       nia.                                       artery forming the typical signet ring appearance.
                       Persistent infections such as tuberculosis, allergic  Sputum culture is necessary to treat infections. The

                       bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.            most common organisms are Staph. aureus, Pseu-
                       Immunodeficiency states resulting in recurrent in-  domonas aeruginosa, H. influenzae and anaerobes.

                       fections.                                    Serum immunoglobulins, sweat test, cilial motility
                                                                  studies where indicated.
                   Impairment of the mucociliary transport mechanism  Management
                   leads to recurrent infections, which leads to further ac-  The aim is to prevent chronic sepsis and reduce acute
                   cumulation of mucus. Bronchial walls become inflamed,  infections.
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