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                                                                        Chapter 3: Restrictive lung disorders 117

                      true obstructive sleep apnoea is unproven and it  changes and the cysts seen in honeycomb lung. Lung
                      maymakefutureCPAPviaanasalmaskimpossible.  function testing shows a restrictive defect (reduced lung
                                                                volumes with relatively preserved peak flows and FEV 1 .

                   Restrictive lung disorders                   Management
                                                                Treatment or removal of underlying cause. See also in-
                  Pulmonary fibrosis and                         dividual conditions.
                  honeycomb lung

                  Definition                                     Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis – usual
                  Pulmonary fibrosis is the end result of many diseases.  interstitial pneumonia

                                                                This condition was previously known as cryptogenic
                  A useful mnemonic for the main causes of pulmonary
                                                                fibrosing alveolitis (CFA) characterised by interstitial in-
                  fibrosis is Breast Ca.
                                                                filtrates mainly in the lung bases causing progressive dys-
                    Bleomycin, busulphan (and other cytotoxic drugs)
                                                                pnoea. It has been reclassified as usual interstitial pneu-
                                                                monia, a form of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia.
                    Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
                    Ankylosing spondylitis and other connective tissue
                      diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, sys-  Prevalence
                      temic lupus erythematosus)                Uncommon.
                    Sarcoidosis, berylliosis (exposure to this industrial al-
                      loy mimics sarcoidosis)                   Age
                    Tuberculosis                                Usually late middle age.
                    Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (idiopathic pul-
                      monary fibrosis)                           Sex
                    Asbestosis                                  Slightly M > F
                  The other main groups of causes are the pneumoco-
                  nioses, which are occupational lung diseases in response
                  to fibrogenic dusts such as coal and silicon, and drug-
                                                                Unknown, but an indistinguishable disease is seen in
                  induced, such as amiodarone.
                                                                association with a number of other diseases such as
                                                                asbestosis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic sclerosis.
                                                                Antinuclear factor is positive in one third of patients
                  The lung has limited ability to regenerate following a se-
                                                                and rheumatoid factor is positive in 50%. Up to 75%
                  vere noxious insult. Fibrosis may be localised, bilateral
                                                                of patients are current or former smokers, and smoking
                  or widespread depending on the underlying cause. Hon-
                                                                appears to be an independent risk factor.
                  eycomb lung represents late-stage fibrosis. Patients are
                  at an increased risk of secondary infection and even if
                  the original insult is removed may develop progressive  Pathophysiology
                  fibrosis and subsequent respiratory failure. The alveo-  There appear to be areas of fibroblast activation, which
                  lar wall fibrosis greatly reduces the pulmonary capillary  lay down matrix, and healing of these leads to fibrosis. It
                  network, leading to the development of pulmonary hy-  is not clear what causes the acute lung injury or the ab-
                  pertension, right ventricular hypertrophy, with eventual  normal healing process, but increased levels of cytokines
                  right heart failure (cor pulmonale).          and immune cells are found.

                  Investigations                                Clinical features
                  Chest X-ray shows reticulonodular shadowing in the  Patients present with dry cough and gradually increas-
                  areas affected, and high-resolution CT shows reticular  ing breathlessness. They may present with secondary
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