Page 118 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   114 Chapter 3: Respiratory system

                   Aetiology                                      as dressing. Expiratory wheeze and cough are present
                   Virtually confined to cigarette smokers and related to the  but the cough is dry.
                   number of cigarettes smoked each day. There is a strong     Signsinbothdiseasesincludeexpiratorywheezeheard
                   genetic element to both components of COPD.    in all lung fields, in chronic bronchitis coarse early in-
                     α1-antitrypsindeficiencyisarecessivedisorder,which  spiratory crackles are also heard. As emphysema be-
                   causes pan-acinar emphysema and accounts for 5% of  comesmoresevereothersignsbecomeevidentinclud-
                   patients with emphysema. One in 5000 births have a ho-  ing tachypnoea, cachexia, the use of accessory muscles
                   mozygousdeficiencyandmostthesegoontodevelopthe  of respiration, intercostal recession, pursed lips on ex-
                   lung disease. Patients tend to be young (below 40 years)  piration, poor chest expansion (a hyperinflated chest
                   especiallyifsmokers,inwhomthediseaseismuchworse.  at rest) and loss of cardiac and hepatic dullness due to
                                                                  The two patterns of pink puffer (always breathless, not

                                                                  hypoventilating, often with little respiratory effort)
                   and CD8+ Tcells. There is also hypertrophy and hyper-
                                                                  describe the extremes of the spectrum of disease man-
                   plasia of the mucus secreting glands causing plugging
                                                                  ifest as COPD. The pink puffer is typical of relatively
                   of airways and luminal narrowing resulting in airway
                                                                  pure emphysema and the blue bloater is typical of rel-
                   obstruction. This ‘chronic bronchitis’ co-exists with a
                                                                  atively pure chronic bronchitis.
                   greater or lesser degree of emphysema in this patient

                                                                There is secretion of abnormal amounts of mucus caus-
                     oli and damage of lung tissue concentrated around the
                                                                ing obstruction and plugging of the airways. Mucus
                     respiratory bronchioles whilst the more distal alveolar
                                                                gland hypertrophy and hyperplasia can be quantified by
                     ducts and air spaces tend to be well preserved. The
                     alveolar dilatation results from loss of elastic recoil in
                                                                within the bronchus.
                     the terminal bronchioles, as a result of destruction of
                     lung tissue by neutrophil derived proteases. Smoking
                     also causes glandular hypertrophy (chronic bronchi-
                                                                Both emphysema and chronic bronchitis are inflam-
                     tis) and has an adverse effect on surfactant favouring
                                                                matory diseases of the lung. The inflammatory infil-
                     over distension of the lung.
                                                                trate is dominated by neutrophils and CD8 +ve T cells.
                     In pan-acinar emphysema destruction involves the

                     whole of the acinus.
                                                                in which the predominant pathological features are mu-
                                                                cus gland enlargement and airway wall inflammation. In
                   Clinical features                            emphysema the predominant feature is destruction of
                   Chronic bronchitis and emphysema together produce  the alveolar septae as a result of neutrophil derived pro-
                   the clinical picture of COPD (also sometimes called  teases. Acute viral or bacterial infections, or chronic bac-
                   chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD), or chronic  terial colonisation exacerbates the inflammation. Squa-
                   obstructive lung disease (COLD)). In addition there may  mous metaplasia is commonly seen.
                   versibleairflowobstruction.Theclinicalfeaturesdepend  Complications
                   on the degrees of chronic bronchitis and of emphysema  Airway obstruction and alveolar destruction eventually
                   contributing to the overall picture.         leads to impaired alveolar ventilation and respiratory
                     Symptoms of chronic bronchitis include cough pro-  failure in both conditions. Pulmonary vasculature re-

                     ductive of sputum, expiratory wheeze and progres-  sponds to hypoxia by vasoconstriction which increases
                     sive shortness of breath. Symptoms of emphysema  the arterial pressure, causing pulmonary artery hyper-
                     are dominated by progressive breathlessness, initially  tension, which leads to right heart failure (cor pul-
                     only on exertion but eventually on mild exertion such  monale). There may be secondary polycythaemia due
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