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                                                                       Chapter 3: Obstructive lung disorders 109

                  Incidence                                     Pathophysiology
                  20% of children, 5–14% of adults, increasing in preva-  The clinical picture of asthma results from mixed acute
                  lence.                                        and chronic inflammation leading to bronchoconstric-
                                                                tion, mucosal oedema and secretion of mucus into the
                  Age                                           lumen of the bronchi. With time this repeated stimula-
                  Can present at any age, predominantly in children.  tion causes hyperplasia of the smooth muscle and mucus
                                                                glands within the bronchial wall as well as airway wall fi-
                                                                brosis. The pathophysiology is not yet fully understood.
                  M > F under 16 years, F > Mover16years.
                                                                Asthma is a complex mixture of acute and chronic in-
                                                                   Acute inflammation is largely mediated by allergen
                  Varies, e.g. rare in underdeveloped countries.
                                                                 crosslinking of IgE on mast cells, leading to the re-
                                                                 lease of mediators such as histamine, leukotrienes,
                  Asthmacanbeclassifiedasfollows,althoughthedivision  prostaglandins, proteolytic enzymes and cyto-
                  is not always clear-cut:                       kines.
                  1 Extrinsic asthma where there is an external cause     The chronic inflammation is mediated by T cells
                      It is allergy based and commonly presents in young
                                                                 producing type 2 cytokines (TH2). IL-5 recruits
                      atopic individuals.                        eosinophils, IL-4 and IL-13 lead to IgE synthesis and
                      Atopy (asthma, eczema, hay fever and other aller-
                                                                 mucous secretion.
                      gies)hasafamilialcomponent,itdescribesadisease     Eosinophils are also important, secreting mediators of
                      manifestation related to the development of IgE  acute and chronic inflammation including proteolytic
                      antibodies against environmental antigens.  enzymes.
                                                                   Neutrophils are prominent in severe and virus-
                      Common domestic allergens include proteins from

                      house-dust mites, pets and airborne fungi.  induced asthma. They secrete mediators of acute and
                  2 Intrinsic asthma tends to present later in life. There is  chronic inflammation including enzymes and oxygen
                    no identifiable allergic precipitant.         radicals.
                                                                   Epithelial cells from the bronchi are activated by al-
                  3 Occupational asthma is a particular type of extrinsic
                    asthma, which may occur in both atopic individuals  lergens, viruses and air pollution and release chemo-
                    (who are more at risk) or non-atopic individuals.  tactic factors that recruit and activate inflammatory
                      Some industrial trigger factors are shown in Table
                      3.12. Patients with occupational asthma from the     All of the above cell types release mediators of chronic
                      listed causes are entitled to compensation under in-  inflammation recruiting and activating fibroblasts
                      dustrial injuries legislation in the United Kingdom.  leading to airway fibrosis. They also lead, through
                      Forall patients, non-specific irritant trigger fac-
                                                                 mechanisms which are not yet clearly defined, to
                      tors include viral infections, cold air, exercise,  bronchialhyperresponsiveness–anexaggeratedbron-
                      emotion, atmospheric pollution, dust, vapours,  choconstrictor response to non-specific insults to the
                      fumes and drugs particularly nonsteroidal anti-  airways.
                      inflammatories and β-blockers.             The pattern of airway reaction following inhalation of
                                                                an allergen:
                                                                 i An acute reaction occurring within minutes, peaking
                    Table 3.12 Industrial trigger factors for asthma
                                                                  at ∼20 minutes after inhalation (the acute inflamma-
                    Mechanism     Cause                           tory response).
                    Non IgE related  Isocyanates, colophony fumes (from  ii A late reaction occurring 4–8 hours after inhalation
                                    solder), hardwood dust, complex  (the chronic inflammatory response).
                                    platinum salts             iii Adual phase response incorporating both acute and
                    IgE related   Allergens (from animals, flour, grain  late phase reactions (the mixed acute and chronic in-
                                    and mites), proteolytic enymes
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