Page 108 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   104 Chapter 3: Respiratory system



                                 Primary infection        Post-primary infection

                                               or Re-infection

                                Bronchial                         Arterial              Venous
                                invasion                          invasion              invasion

                                   Pneumonia                 Miliary TB of               Metastatic TB
                                                             the lung                    or miliary TB

                   Figure 3.3 Patterns of tuberculosis infection.

                   2 Miliary Tuberculosis: If an enlarged caseous node  mant, reactivating many years later as single organ
                     erodes into a pulmonary artery the entire lung be-  disease. By that time there may be no evidence of tu-
                     comesinfectedbymiliarydisseminationwithmultiple  berculosis elsewhere.
                     small tubercles. If a lesion erodes a pulmonary vein,
                     there may be systemic miliary dissemination, for ex-  Clinical features
                     ample to the meninges, spleen, liver, the choroid and  1 Primary tuberculosis is usually asymptomatic, occa-
                     the bone marrow.                             sionally there may be a vague pyrexial illness some-
                   3 Metastatic Tuberculosis: If there is systemic dissemi-  times associated with respiratory symptoms such as a
                     nation but only a few bacteria are dispersed and the  dry cough. The hypersensitivity reaction may produce
                     patient mounts a good immune response, organisms  atransient pleural effusion or erythema nodosum.
                     may settle in only one or two organs such as adrenal  2 Secondary pulmonary tuberculosis presents typically
                     glands, a kidney, bone, joints, brain and meninges or  withagradualonsetoftiredness,malaise,anorexiaand
                     the reproductive tract. There they may remain dor-  loss of weight over weeks or months. The outstanding
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